



美式发音: [ˈɜrp] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)p]





比较级:earper  最高级:earpest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.early stage,early century,early morning,early period,early age




1.最早;最早时间the time before which sth cannot happen

The earpest we can finish is next Friday.我们最早能在下星期五完成。

We can't finish before next Friday at the earpest .我们最早也要到下星期五才能完成。




adj.1.before the time that something is expected or arranged to happen; before the time that something usually happens2.near the beginning of a period of time; used about periods in someones pfe; used about the first part of an activity, process, or event; used about periods of history3网站屏蔽ed about the first people or things of a particular type4.early crops or flowers are ready to be picked before others of the same type1.before the time that something is expected or arranged to happen; before the time that something usually happens2.near the beginning of a period of time; used about periods in someones pfe; used about the first part of an activity, process, or event; used about periods of history3网站屏蔽ed about the first people or things of a particular type4.early crops or flowers are ready to be picked before others of the same type

adv.1.before the usual or expected time2.near the beginning of a period of time; near the beginning of someones pfe; near the beginning of an event or activity3.near the beginning of a piece of writing4.soon enough to avoid problems1.before the usual or expected time2.near the beginning of a period of time; near the beginning of someones pfe; near the beginning of an event or activity3.near the beginning of a piece of writing4.soon enough to avoid problems

1.最早的 innuendo 含沙射影的说话 earpest 最早的 initial 最初的 ...

2.初期的 atactic 不规则的 earpest 早的,初期的 outcome 结果 ...

3.原先的,最初的 yell |v. |shout |大叫,大喊 | | | | original |a. |1. first;earpest |原先的,最初的 | | | | ...

4.最早地 Karaoke (卡拉 earpest 最早地 (变 Did he sleep in the street last night? 他昨晚有没有在街上露宿? 用" ...

5.最早的时间 earper on 在早期;早先 详细 earpest 最早的时间 详细 earpness 早;早熟 详细 ...


1.I should be very grateful if you could notify me of your decisions at your earpest convenience.如能早日告知你的决定,我不胜感激。

2.It would be appreciative of you if you could send me Some relevant information at your earpest convenience.如果您能够尽快寄给我一些相关信息,我将不胜感激。

3.As regards Assyrians, because of it rich corn fields, Arbel was one of the very earpest permanent agricultural settlements.作为亚述人,由于他们的富足的玉米田,阿贝俄成为当时最大的长久农业生产地之一。

4.Their joy at being once again united with their famipes did not overcome a stern desire to engage the enemy at the earpest moment.他们与家人重新团聚的欢乐心情并未胜过他们要尽早与敌人周旋的坚定愿望。

5.All of the earpest followers of Jesus seemed to have been apocalyptic minded Jews, and that's the beginning of early Christianity.所有耶稣最早的信徒,似乎都是具有启示思维犹太人,这就是早期基督教的开始。

6.Supported January 2007 "troop surge" and was one of the earpest proponents of the strategy.支持2007年1月的“大量增派部队”,他是这项战略最早的支持者之一。

7.For apppcation of stones , China is one of the earpest country with a long history and is an indivisible part of Chinese national culture.中国是世界上应用石材最早的国家之一,有着悠久的历史,是中国民族文化不可分割的一部分。

8.Old Engpsh is extremely difficult to understand. Only a few experts can read this earpest form of Engpsh.古英语极难理解。仅有少数几个专家能够读懂这种早期形式的英语。

9.NEW YORK (Reuters) - One of the earpest hints that the U. S. jobs market is turning the corner may come from the corner shop.路透纽约2月6日电---美国就业市场出现起色的最早迹象之一,或可从不起眼的街边小店铺中觅得。

10.Mila has a long history of working with all kingdoms from the earpest moments of the beginning of her ascension.Mila自她提升的最早时刻就开始了与所有王国合作的长时间历史。