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第三人称单数:gorges  现在分词:gorging  过去式:gorged  同义词反义词







v.1.to eat or drink so much of something that you cannot eat or drink any more2.to have as much of an enjoyable experience as you want

n.1.a deep valley with high straight sides where a river has cut through rock2.if someones gorge rises, they feel sick or angry

1.长江三峡 Guangzhou( 广州)154 Gorges长江三峡)184 Text BYichang( 宜昌)188 ...

2.峡谷国三峡美景的特写中,他们赞叹“三峡雄伟壮丽。英语中峡谷(gorges)和壮丽(gorgeous)两个词非常合辙压韵,连读起来朗朗上 …

3.三峡一绝 2.to make up:constitute;compose 构成;组成 Gorges‖ (三峡一绝) It is said that… 据说 ...

4.戈尔日 戈伦夫洛斯 Gorenflos 戈尔日 Gorges 瓜扬库尔 Goyencourt ...

5.脗脙脱脦脳脢修露 More 脗脙脱脦脡脤脟茅 : 0.69 % Gorges 脗脙脱脦脳脢修露 : 0.69 % Google 搜索引擎 自助链 : 0.69 % ...

6.长江上游经过乔治上次我从Chungking(重庆)给你写了信,我在长江上游经过乔治(Gorges)和嘉陵江(Canon),今日到达这儿,渡过了一次兴奋的旅行。 …

7.戈格斯国际酒店 > 法国酒店 > 戈格斯(gorges)酒店 戈格斯热门商业区 戈格斯热门地标 反馈建议 在线客服 房价: RMB ${sinPrice}( …

8.戈尔治镇-戈尔治镇(Gorges):在克里松附近,可以步行或坐小舟到达,以前这里有许多贵族的领地。1635年,正是在其中的一块贵族领 …


1.From the later stage of the Anti-Japanese War, the work of developing the Yangtze Gorges which had been suspended for a long time restarted.从抗战后期开始,中断许久的三峡开发工作又重新启动。

2.At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges.船到巫山时,我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷。

3.The next day we went through the ig gorges on the Yangtze River. It was a lovely morning as we went through the Wu Gorge.第二天,我们经过了长江的大峡谷。在一个美丽的上午轮船驶过巫峡。

4.To its opponents, China's Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River is all the more tragic because it has a historical precedent.对于反对者而言,中国长江上的三峡大坝(ThreeGorges)是一个重蹈覆辙的悲剧,因为历史上已有前车之鉴。

5.Compared to that, this water diversion project did not do as comprehensive a prepminary study as the Three Gorges project did.相比之下,这项调水工程却没有进行三峡项目那么全面的前期研究。

6.It was only a year ago that the massive Three Gorges Dam was completed, creating a reservoir on the Yangtze River some 640 kilometers long.三峡大坝主体工程一年前才竣工,大坝上游640公里的长江水域成为一个大水库。

7.Three gorges project has been a boon for large ship commerce. But it may sink a way of pfe that stretches back 4000 years.三峡工程对于大船航运是一大福音,但却可能让一种4000年来的生活方式消失。

8.China Three Gorges was one of 17 state-run enterprises covered in the latest audit, Xinhua said without providing further detail.新华社说,最新一轮审计的对象包括17家国有企业,三峡集团是其中之一,但新华社未提供进一步的详情。

9.In May 1996, the U. S. Export-Import Bank announced that it would not support loans to U. S. companies pursuing Three Gorges contracts.1996年5月,美国进出口银行宣布将拒绝向那些继续寻求三峡工程合同的公司发放贷款。

10.or CGGC International, a state-owned engineering and construction firm, best known as the main contractor behind the Three Gorges Dam.这家国有工程与建筑公司最有名的身份是三峡大坝的主承包商。