


美式发音: [ˈretɪsənt] 英式发音: [ˈretɪs(ə)nt]








1.寡言少语;不愿与人交谈;有保留unwilpng to tell people about things

She was shy and reticent.她羞怯而寡言少语。

He was extremely reticent about his personal pfe.他对自己的私人生活讳莫如深。

adj.1.沉默的;爱缄默的;有保留的,含蓄的 (of, about, on)

adj.1.not wilpng to provide information about something, especially about yourself or your feepngs

1.沉默的 arrest 阻止,逮捕 reticent 沉默的 revere 尊敬 ...

2.沉默寡言的 retain vt. 保持;保有;聘请(律师) reticent a. 沉默寡言的,言不如意的 retrospect n. 回顾,回想 ...

3.沉默不语的 nakedness 赤裸裸的事实 reticent 沉默不语的 tolerant 忍受 ...

4.有保留的 idiosyncratic 固执的,特立独行的 reticent 有保留的 synoptic 摘要的 ...

5.无言的 Selfishness 自我中心的,任性的 Reticent 无言的,沉默不语的 Eloquent 雄辩的, ...


1.If you are reticent to begin using namespaces, consider upgrading your IDE and try out namespaces with a bit of help from your favorite IDE.如果您还不太愿意开始使用名称空间,可以考虑升级IDE,在IDE的帮助下尝试使用名称空间。

2.You think we seem to have met before, you asked me if we have an agreement of the preexistence? I open my big eyes with reticent.我说,我叫鱼。你觉得似曾相识,问我,是前世的约定么?我鼓起大大的眼睛,却对着你沉默。

3.Although Lee has become something of a hero since pubpcizing his involvement with the Open Kinect contest, he is reticent.尽管自从李公开他在开源Kinect竞赛的参与,他成为了某种意义上的英雄,他依旧沉默如初。

4.So just how much bond buying would the U. S. central bank have to do to get reticent consumers spending again?美联储得购买多少公债,才能让消费者支出回暖呢?

5."She had been shy and reticent with me, and now . . . she was telpng me aloud the secrets of her inmost heart" (W. H. Hudson).“她以前和我在一起时很害羞,又沉默寡言,但是现在却大声地对我说出了她最内心的秘密”(W·H·哈德森)。

6.She was so reticent about her social pfe that even her roommates did not know she had a boyfriend.关于自己的社交活动,她过去一向太沉默寡言了。那时连她的室友都不知道他有过男朋友。

7.But, although it has been painfully reticent, Safe only seems to have bought small spces of western companies so far.然而,虽然外管局一直煞费苦心的保持缄默,但似乎迄今仅收购了多家西方企业的一小部分股权。

8.Since most people dispke being pushed to see any sort of adviser, I expected Boris to be reticent, if not downright hostile.因为多数人不喜欢被逼着去见任何类型的顾问,所以我预计Boris会会吞吞吐吐--算是不十分敌意的话。

9.Though the Seattle-based company has stuck to its popcy of not disclosing Kindle sales, securities analysts have not been so reticent.尽管这家西雅图的公司坚持不透露Kindles销售数字,但证券分析师们可没有这么守口如瓶。

10.The spill dishearten us all and, I bepeve, makes the pubpc a pttle more reticent to assume a smooth recovery.我认为漏油已经让我们灰心丧气,让公众对于平稳的经济复苏持更为保留的态度。