

city center

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1.城市中心 ... 地点:阿德菲剧院( Adelphi Theatre) 地点:城市中心剧院City Center) 地点:帝王剧院( Majestic Th…

6.市区 deposit 押金 city center 市区 down town 商业中心 ...


1.How much is the bus fare to the city center?到市中心的公共汽车票价多少?

2.As the Han people emigrated from the city center to the city outside the front door business district began to thrive.随着汉族居民从市中心移居到城市外部,前门商业区开始兴盛起来。

3.Away from the city center, locals have been desperately trying to save their possessions and property.在远离布拉格市中心处,当地人在绝望中试图挽救自己的财产。

4.At the on-ramp to the expressway leading to the city center was a burnt-out tank, with people crawpng in and out of its turret hatch.在通往市中心的高速公入口处,一辆烧尽的坦克里,人们从炮塔舱盖爬进爬出。

5.Highest performance street, almost all near the city center, sits on an excellent transportation network, and a variety of leisure options.表现最高的街区,几乎全都靠近市中心、坐拥优良的交通网,和丰富多彩的休闲选择。

6.I want you to call the fire department and have them block off the city center in a one mile radius around the building!我要你拨打消防部门的电话,告诉他们封锁以这座楼为中心半径一里范围的街区。

7.Beijing cracked down on street vending ahead of the Olympics a year ago, and the number of peddlers in the city center remains diminished.去年北京奥运会之前,北京市取缔了流动商贩,目前市中心的商贩数目因此而减少。

8.He praised the army for taking over a presidential office in the city center and invited the people to come with him to occupy it.拉乔利纳在市中心感谢军方接管总统府,他邀请大家跟他一道进入这座建筑。

9.As if to heed its call, hundreds of roller-skaters formed a giant smile in Place Vendome in the city center on Sunday.好像是为了响应旅游局的号召,几百名滚轴溜冰爱好者上周日在市中心的凡登广场组成了一个巨大的笑脸。

10.When those hills tapered off the pilots curled right again toward the city center and made their final approach.当这些山峦消失之后,飞行员再次右转,向城市中心进行最后的接近。