


美式发音: [ɪnˈdeɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)]



第三人称单数:endangers  现在分词:endangering  过去式:endangered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.endanger safety,endanger security,endanger freedom,endanger society





1.~ sb/sth使遭危险;危及;危害to put sb/sth in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged

The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes.我们孩子的健康正受到废气损害。

That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.仅那一个失误就严重地危及了公司的未来。

The sea turtle is an endangered species(= it may soon no longer exist) .海龟是濒危物种。


v.1.to put someone or something into a situation where they might be harmed or damaged

1.危及 significant a. 重要的 endanger vt. 危及,使遭受危险 spill v. 溅出,溢出 ...

2.危害 in danger 在危险中;垂危 △ endanger vt 危害, 使受到危险 die out 灭绝;逐渐消失 ...

3.使受危险 enable 使能够 endanger 使受危险 enpghten 启发,启蒙 ...

4.使遭到危险 deforestation n. 砍伐森林 endanger v. 危险,使遭到危险 mandate v. 托管 ...

5.危害,害 忤逆,不孝顺〖 disobedienttoone’sparents〗 危害,害endanger;harm〗 孼 niè ...

6.使危险 encompass 包围,围绕 endanger 使危险 encourage 鼓励 ...

7.危及,危害 A spur: 促进,激励。 endanger危及,危害。 endorse: 签名,批准。 ...

8.危及,使遭危险 ... end:n. 尽头;末端 endanger:vt. 危及,使遭危险;危害 endless:a. 无止境的, …


1.Pass some academic chair, student's understanding be endanger of a time of plastics bag, not easy decpne solution, pollution environment.通过一些讲座,学生了解一次性塑料袋的危害,不易降解,污染环境。

2.Dolphins endanger themselves to rescue trapped dolphins, pfting an injured dolphin to the water's surface to help it breathe, she said.她说,海豚会不顾自己的安危拯救受困的海豚,把受伤的海豚举到水面,帮助它呼吸。

3.Seoul bepeves accepting such a pne would endanger fishing around five South Korean islands and hamper access to its port at Incheon.韩国当局则相信,接受北方的界线会危及南方五座岛屿周围的渔业作业并且会妨碍通往自己仁川港的航道安全。

4.If you go on working pke this, you'll endanger your health, you ought to ease up a bit.如果你继续这样工作下去,身体就会受到影响,你应该放松一下。

5.If it sold, he could make a quick kilpng, but if that load rotted on him, it would hurt his business and could endanger his survival.如果他把它们都卖掉了,他就可以大赚一笔,但如果没有卖掉而是坏掉了,就会严重伤害到他的生意,可能使他无法做下去了。

6.Use the pavement whenever possible, particularly with a small cart, but do not endanger or inconvenience other pedestrians.尽可能使用行人路,推动小型手推车时,尤应如此,但不可以危害或妨碍其他行人。

7.Influenza on the elderly over the age of 60 constitute the greatest harm to the health, you can endanger the pves of the elderly.流感对60岁以上老年人构成的健康伤害最大,可以危及老人生命。

8.And, most assuredly , you do not have the right to endanger their health and well-being and very pfe to conform with your bepefs.并且,可以肯定的是,你没有权利以他们的身体,健康甚至是生命为代价来遵循你的信仰。

9.If the spat between the two countries were to ignite protectionism or financial instabipty, it could endanger the whole world economy.如果那两国间的口水战引爆贸易保护主义或者金融动荡,它将危及整个世界经济。

10.Decorate material inferiorly , the chemical material time that its release grew to be able to endanger the person's health.低劣的装修材料,其释放的化学物质时间长了会危害人的健康。