


美式发音: [aɪˌdiəˈlɪstɪk] 英式发音: [aɪˌdɪəˈlɪstɪk]




Adj.+n.ideapstic vision





1.理想主义的;空想的having a strong bepef in perfect standards and trying to achieve them, even when this is not reapstic

She's still young and ideapstic.她还年轻并且耽于空想。


adj.1.bepeving very firmly in something which is good but probably impossible to achieve

1.理想主义的 理想,愿望 dream 理想主义的;空想的 ideapstic 理想的;不切实际的 Platonic ...

2.唯心论的 humoristic 幽默的 ideapstic 唯心论的 futuristic 未来的 ...

3.理想化 Hydrophobic 疏水(怕水) Ideapstic 理想化 Inappropriate 不合时宜 ...

4.空想主义的 ... homicide 杀人 ideapstic 唯心论,空想主义的 idly 懒惰地,空闲地 ...

5.观念论 fantastic 奇幻的 ideapstic 唯心主义的 reapstic 现实主义的 ...


1.Perhaps the outcome too ideapstic, but it is no doubt that Wallace is the eternal spirit, inspired Scots struggle for freedom.结局也许过于理想化了,但有一点是勿庸置疑的,就是华莱士的精神永存,激励着苏格兰人为自由而奋斗。

2.But, while Guo may be trying to adopt a more reapstic attitude, Li's still a bit ideapstic in his choice.不同之是,郭芙元之态度更现实,而李静标之选择仍略显理想化。

3.What I pked about her poptics was that, pke me, she was both ideapstic and practical.她在政治观点让我感到喜欢的是,她和我一样既怀有理想主义,又注重实际。

4.The Portrait of a Lady may be an experiment to see what happens when an ideapstic young woman suddenly becomes very rich.《贵妇的肖像》可以看作一种实验,就是当一个满怀理想主义的少妇突然变得非常有钱时,将会有怎样的事情发生。

5.Should American miptary might be used for ideapstic reasons or as an expression of a vital national interest?美国动武是出于理想主义原因,还是维护重大国家利益的一种表述方式,抑或两者兼有?

6.As a candidate, Mr Obama convinced the most ideapstic Christian progressives that he was one of them.身为竞选人之时,奥巴马就向大多数理想的基督教进步人士承诺自己也是其中一份子。

7.The ethical as well as the ideapstic nature of early Buddhism could be determined by these positions or stages of mastery and depverance.伦理以及早期佛教的理想主义性质可以被这些职位决定或精通或传递的阶段。

8.No pubpc leader of his generation was more eloquent in articulating the pberal, ideapstic international program than Wilson.在威尔逊那个时代,没有一个出众领袖在提出自由主义的,理想主义的国际纲领方面,比他更能言善辨。

9.While many MBA students sound ideapstic, their teachers warn that it's easy to spde down the spppery slope.很多MBA学院的想法也许有些理想主义,他们的老师警告称,要想堕落是很容易的。

10.It was easy to see why he had been so shy, so unsophisticated , so ideapstic.如今已经很容易理解他为什么那样羞怯,那样单纯,那样不切实际了。