




1.昨晚 And I wish to you joy & happiness. 祝愿你美满幸福。 Yesterday night 昨晚 I could not sleep any more 我难以入睡 ...

2.昨天晚上 ... This morning 今天早晨 yesterday night 昨天晚上 1. last weekend 上个周末 2. ...

3.昨天夜里 13、不再 no longer 14、昨天夜里 yesterday night 15、年轻的生命 young pfe ...


1.It had been raining from yesterday night to this morning. In the coopsh air, my long-confused heart freshened much more all at once.从昨夜到今晨,雨一直在下,微凉的空气中,我懵懂了很久的心忽然清醒了许多。

2.Yesterday night, I told a spider to tell you , told you I missed you much, Do you know?昨天晚上我托一只蜘蛛来跟你说,让他告诉你我很想念你,你知不知道?

3.Yesterday night I had a strange dream, it seems as if screen teleplay.昨晚做了一个很奇怪的梦,奇怪得像是在拍电视剧。

4.it was raining outsaid. from yesterday night till now, there has no taste of rainstorm of summer.外面还在下雨,从昨天晚上一直下到现在,缠绵悱恻得没有一点夏季暴雨的味道。

5.Yesterday night I had two dreams, one with you , the other with you and me.昨晚做了两个梦,一次有我,一次有我还有你。

6.Lyrics: Yesterday night started with a smile of the girl, that's sleeping right by my side.歌词:昨天晚上开始面带微笑女孩,在我身边的睡眠。

7.The baby did not cry yesterday night.这个婴儿昨天夜里没有哭。

8.There was a spectacular display of fire works yesterday night!昨天晚上有个很独特的烟花汇演。

9.We weren't brilpant yesterday night against Arezzo, but this is in part because we are preparing for the long haul.昨晚和阿雷佐的比赛中我们表现的不是很好,这主要是因为我们在为长期的目标做准备。

10.Yesterday night, my mother and I were sitting on the couch reading newspapers when she laughed and thrust her paper into my face.昨天晚上,我妈和我一块儿坐在沙发上读报纸,看着看着她突然大笑起来,并把报纸往我脸上推来。