


美式发音: [ˈdaɪvər] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪvə(r)]



复数:divers  同义词

n.swimmer,deep-sea diver,snorkeler,frogman,scuba diver



1.(通常有专用装备的)潜水员a person who works underwater, usually with special equipment

a deep-sea diver深海潜水员

2.跳水者;跳水运动员a person who jumps into the water with their head first and their arms in front of them


n.1.someone who swims under water, especially as their job2.someone who dives into water, for example as a sport

1.潜水员 潜水艇〖 submarine〗 潜水员diver;aquanaut〗 潜台词〖 unspokenwordsinaplay〗 ...

2.跳水运动员 diving 跳水 diver 跳水运动员 platform diving 跳台跳水 ...

3.潜水者 frog 青蛙 ... diver 潜水者... carrot 胡萝卜 ... ...

4.跳水者 aquarium 水族馆 diver 跳水者 dolphin 海豚 ...

5.潜水夫 engineer: 工程师 diver: 潜水夫 editor: 编辑 ...

6.潜小员 terrify v. 吓,使恐怖 diver n. 潜小员 oil rig 石油钻塔 ...

7.潜鸟 歌手 singer 跳水员 diver doctor 医生 ...


1.If there's a problem with the air tank, the diver could end up stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe.要是氧气筒出了问题,潜水员最后可能会受困在过深的水底而无法及时浮上水面呼吸。

2.Although I used to be a firefighter, I can't get used to putting on the cold, heavy, wet deep-sea diver's suit to run the marathon.尽管我曾经是一位消防员,但是我还是不能适应穿上这又冷、又重、又潮湿的深海潜水服去跑马拉松。

3.Its unspoiled reefs and hundreds of species of marine pfe make it a diver's dream.岛上未遭破坏的礁岩与数百种海洋生物使它成为潜水者的天堂。

4.The deep-sea diver had scarcely reached the bottom when a message came from the surface which left him in a dilemma.深海潜水员刚小心翼翼地到达海底,水面上传来的一条消息让他进退两难。

5.She loved to swim and was a beautiful diver and she was happy with that pfe and would want him to work and everything would be discippned.她喜爱游水,是个出色的潜泳者,她对那种生活感到快活,因此会要他进行写作,而一切都会安排得有条不紊。

6.Often a diver must grope his way through icy water filled with mud and silt that make it hard see.潜水员常常要在充满泥浆和淤泥,因而能见度极差的冰冷的水中摸索前行。

7.According to the DAN report, the diver ran out of air, and, having no backup breathing equipment, he made a rapid ascent to the surface.根据DAN的报告,潜水者耗尽氧气,没有备用呼吸设备,他会很快上升至水面。

8.The doctors told me that the ringing may be permanent and that I should not continue scuba diving, but he is not a diver.医生告诉我,耳鸣可能会是长期的,他建议我最好不要再潜水了。

9.A day after the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg was sunk, a diver descended to inspect the ship, which landed perfectly upright.霍伊特·桑福特·范登堡上将号后沉没的第一天,一名潜水员巡查这艘船的情况,它不偏不倚地垂直沉在海底。

10.These cores were passed along the surface sediment by the diver, and stopper were installed at both ends.这些样品柱由潜水员沿沉积物表面方向采集,两端均塞住。