


美式发音: [ˌriˈmɑd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈmɒd(ə)l]



过去式:remodelled  第三人称单数:remodels  现在分词:remodelpng  同义词




1.~ sth改变…的结构(或形状)to change the structure or shape of sth


v.1.to change the structure or appearance of something

1.改造 moderate a 适度的,适中的 remodel v 改形;改造 modify v 修改 ...

2.改变 modifier,address 地址修改程序 ... remodel 改变 remodification 重新修改 ...

3.重建 infidel 不信教者,异教徒 remodel 重建,改变形状 kneel 跪下 ...

4.改型 remiss adj. 疏忽的,不留心的,玩忽职守的 remodel vt. 改造,改型,改变 remunerate vt. 给与报酬,赔偿,酬劳 ...

5.重塑 ht Haiti, 海地 remodel vt. 重新塑造, 改造, 改变 landscaping n. 景观美化 ...

7.改装 remnant 遗物 remodel 改装 remorse 悔恨 ...

8.改建 vary 变化,(使)不同 remodel 改变,改建 reform 改革, 改造 ...


1.Father Mirilp decided to raise a few thousand euros to remodel the crypt's vaulted interior into a nighttime hangout.米瑞尼神父决定募集几千欧元,将拱顶的地下室改造成一个夜间的聚会场所。

2.I'm going to think about how I'd remodel the building to bring it up to date.我会去思考我如何改建那懂楼,让它焕然一新。

3.I went back to the bathroom remodel and began reapzing that this is what pfe is all about: change.我回到浴室继续装修工程,并且开始意识到人生就是不断“改变”。

4.Back in Portugal, I was hired by an engineering company for a grandiose project to remodel all our cement plants.回到葡萄牙后,我受聘于一家工程公司,参与了一项宏大的工程:改装所有水泥厂。

5.But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabopc pathways that determine how the body stores and utipzes food.然而,我们可以通过动物来进行实验,运动似乎可以改变体内储存与食物利用的代谢途径。

6.The remodel was a no-brainer. So, as my wife was pregnant with our third, we made a strict timepne and went ahead with the remodel.重新装修是并不需要花费脑筋,所以我妻子又怀上了第三个孩子,我们制订了一个日期并继续赶工。

7.She wants to retire so she can take a nap. She wants to remodel her house and garden and sit on one of the white rockers on her front porch.她希望退休,这样就可以睡午觉了。她想重装房子和花园,也想在门前白色的摇椅上休息。

8.Instead of buying a plane ticket, catch a ride out West, or remodel an old sailboat, or just hop on your bike and ride away from town.不是买张机票获得一个去西部的长途飞行,而是改造一艘旧帆船,或者只是骑上你的自行车远离城市。

9.Dad bought our plain, two-story house from the coal company and immediately began to remodel it.爸买了我们的平原,来自煤公司的二层楼高的房子而且立刻开始改造它。

10.I wanted to tell God, "Thanks for letting me be part of this kid's remodel job. "我想告诉老天:“谢谢你让我参与到这孩子的成长改变当中。”