



美式发音: [klɪr] 英式发音: [klɪə(r)]






比较级:clearer  最高级:clearest  第三人称单数:clears  现在分词:clearing  过去式:cleared  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clear sky,clear water,clear picture,clear understanding,clear conscience

v.+n.clear name,clear road,clear throat,clear space,clear land

adv.+adj.perfectly clear,absolutely clear






adj.1.(水等)清澈的,透明的;(天气等)晴朗的,明净的,爽朗的;明亮的,皎洁的2.明白的,明了的,清楚的;显明的,容易分辨的3.无疑的,的确的,确实的4.无遮拦的,无障碍的;畅通的;开阔的,豁然的5.纯粹的,十足的;整整的;净得的6.(船)已卸净(货)的7.无疵瑕的;(木材)无节疤的8.脱离的,还清(债务)的;清除了(障碍等)的;摆脱了(束缚等)的 (of)1.(水等)清澈的,透明的;(天气等)晴朗的,明净的,爽朗的;明亮的,皎洁的2.明白的,明了的,清楚的;显明的,容易分辨的3.无疑的,的确的,确实的4.无遮拦的,无障碍的;畅通的;开阔的,豁然的5.纯粹的,十足的;整整的;净得的6.(船)已卸净(货)的7.无疵瑕的;(木材)无节疤的8.脱离的,还清(债务)的;清除了(障碍等)的;摆脱了(束缚等)的 (of)


v.1.澄清,消除(嫌疑),宣布开释,辩明(无罪)2.扫除,除去;赶走,驱逐;打发掉3.(议案等)通过(批准手续);批准,准许4.付清;抵消,结清;清讫5.穿过,超过,跳过,通过;突破(难关)6.开垦,砍伐,开拓7.【商】抛卖,贱卖,脱售;交换清算(票据);兑现(支票)8.使变清澈,使无污垢9.把...弄明白,使清楚10.为(船或船货等)结关〔办好出港手续〕,(船)结关后离开(港口)11.【商】净赚,净得12.(船只等)办清出港手续,出港 (from) 〔俚语〕离去;走出;逃掉13.变清澈,变澄清;(天气)开晴14.【商】交换票据15.(文件等)送审,报批1.澄清,消除(嫌疑),宣布开释,辩明(无罪)2.扫除,除去;赶走,驱逐;打发掉3.(议案等)通过(批准手续);批准,准许4.付清;抵消,结清;清讫5.穿过,超过,跳过,通过;突破(难关)6.开垦,砍伐,开拓7.【商】抛卖,贱卖,脱售;交换清算(票据);兑现(支票)8.使变清澈,使无污垢9.把...弄明白,使清楚10.为(船或船货等)结关〔办好出港手续〕,(船)结关后离开(港口)11.【商】净赚,净得12.(船只等)办清出港手续,出港 (from) 〔俚语〕离去;走出;逃掉13.变清澈,变澄清;(天气)开晴14.【商】交换票据15.(文件等)送审,报批


adj.1.easy to understand2.obvious and impossible to doubt3.transparent4.if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds, rain, etc.5.easy to see6.easy to hear7.if a surface, road, or passage is clear, there is nothing on it that blocks it or gets in the way8.clear eyes are bright and healthy9.clear skin is smooth and healthy10.not confused11.not affected by guilty feelings12.if a period of time is clear, you have not arranged to do anything during it13.not touching something or not too close to it14.if a medical test is clear, it shows that there is nothing wrong15.left after taxes, charges, or costs have been paid16.winning by a particular distance or number of points in a race or competition17网址被屏蔽plete1.easy to understand2.obvious and impossible to doubt3.transparent4.if the sky or the weather is clear, there are no clouds, rain, etc.5.easy to see6.easy to hear7.if a surface, road, or passage is clear, there is nothing on it that blocks it or gets in the way8.clear eyes are bright and healthy9.clear skin is smooth and healthy10.not confused11.not affected by guilty feelings12.if a period of time is clear, you have not arranged to do anything during it13.not touching something or not too close to it14.if a medical test is clear, it shows that there is nothing wrong15.left after taxes, charges, or costs have been paid16.winning by a particular distance or number of points in a race or competition17网址被屏蔽plete

adv.1网址被屏蔽pletely away from something, or out of the way

v.1.to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted; if a place clears, the people in it leave it2.to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage; to stop being blocked3.to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong4.if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain, etc.5.to give or obtain official permission for something to happen; to give an airplane, ship, or person permission to enter or leave a place; to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials6.if a check clears, or if a bank clears it, the bank allows the money to be used7.if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol8.to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs9.to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from10.to go over, under, or past an object without touching it11.to deal successfully with a problem12.to do all the work that you have to do13.if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear14.if a liquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance15.if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy again16.if someones face clears, they stop looking annoyed, upset, or confused1.to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted; if a place clears, the people in it leave it2.to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage; to stop being blocked3.to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong4.if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain, etc.5.to give or obtain official permission for something to happen; to give an airplane, ship, or person permission to enter or leave a place; to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials6.if a check clears, or if a bank clears it, the bank allows the money to be used7.if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol8.to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs9.to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from10.to go over, under, or past an object without touching it11.to deal successfully with a problem12.to do all the work that you have to do13.if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear14.if a liquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance15.if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy again16.if someones face clears, they stop looking annoyed, upset, or confused

n.1.Same as clearance

1.清材、 No 2 Cutting 约占 70% 。一些家具厂需用较长清材 ( 即无节疤材 ) 来加工产品,但觉得无节清材 (Clears) 等级又太贵的话 …

2.净材 No1 Clears( 净材) No1 Cuttings( 切削材) ...

3.明确度 ... clearn 清洁 clears 明确度 clearup 清除 ...



1.From the macro view, the thesis firstly clears the concept of cost and benefit, and then tries to find the best relations between them.从宏观上来看,文章首先厘清了成本和效益的概念,然后从两者的关系上寻找最优点。

2.A few days later, in a house near the brasserie, a father clears the dining table while his wife and son continue their conversation.几天后,就在小酒馆旁边的一所房子里,一个男人正在收拾餐桌,他的妻子和孩子在一旁说话。

3.The air clears a bit once you've deplaned, but the horizon still contracts, pollution closing off the New Delhi sky like a dome.下飞机的时候,空气清澈些许,但是地平线还是在退缩,污染物就像一口大钟罩在新德里的天空。

4.The init function (init_fortune_module) allocates space for the cookie pot with vmalloc and then clears it out with memset.init函数(init_fortune_module)负责使用vmalloc来为这个点心罐分配空间,然后使用memset将其全部清零。

5.What really happens, is not that science does without the subject, but that it clears it out of language, I mean expels it.实际所发生的,并不是科学可以免除不用生命主体,而是将生命主体从语言里清理出来,我的意思是,驱除出来。

6.Anytime you hear any squeaking or creaking lube your axles and cams to see if it clears up the noise.您听见所有吱吱叫的或摇摇欲坠的润滑油您的轨和凸轮看见它是否清理噪声。

7.Once he clears his mind on this point, he is in a good position to match his strategy against that of the other players.一经他清除在这点方面的他思想,他是在一个好位置中其他运动员相配他的策略对抗那。

8.HDL, termed high-density lipoprotein, clears up cholesterol, takes it out of the system, is helpful .即高密度脂蛋白,清除胆固醇,把胆固醇从循环系统中去掉,是有用的。

9.As the platform clears I see her, standing behind the ticket barrier in a green coat, the lower part of her face buried in a navy scarf.月台上人群渐渐散去,我看见了她,穿着绿色的大衣站在检票栏杆后面,脸的下半部埋在了深蓝色的头巾后面。

10.Then suddenly the eye of the typhoon appears, the wind and rain cease, the sky clears, or partly so . . .后来,突然台风眼出现了,风息雨止,天空晴朗,或者部分如此。