



美式发音: [ˈfæmɪn] 英式发音: ['fæmɪn]


复数:famines  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.severe famine

v.+n.cause famine


n.food shortage,shortage,scarcity,want,dearth



n.1.a serious lack of food that continues for a long time and causes many people in a country to become sick or die

1.饥荒 机会成本 opportunity cost 饥荒 famines 集合城市 conurbation ...


1.The result was one of the largest famines in history.其结果就是导致了人类历史上最严重的饥荒。

2.Reports and studies over the intervening years have spelt out the likely cost of failure: floods, droughts, famines and refugees.几年来的报告和调查研究表明了失败后的可能代价:洪水,干旱,饥荒和难民。

3.Historians have known for some time that the Great Leap Forward resulted in one of the world's worst famines.历史学家早已了解到,大跃进造成了世界史上最严重的饥荒之一。

4.Even the famines that sometimes ravage less-developed countries are rarely due to overpopulation--civil war is a more common cause.就算有些欠发达国家不时遭受饥荒肆虐,也很少是由于托马斯马尔萨斯人口过多导致的――国内战争是更常见的原因。

5.Wars, plagues and famines visited us, but we did not stop in our industrious creation of deserts.战争、瘟疫和饥荒拜访了我们,然而,我们没有停止勤奋刻苦地创造沙漠。

6.Despite intermittent wars and famines, the long-term trend is for a better life for almost everybody.虽然有时会发生战争和饥荒,但长期趋势是几乎所有人的生活都能得到改善。

7.Elsewhere, the food crisis of 2008 will test the assertion of Amartya Sen, an Indian economist, that famines do not happen in democracies.在其他地方,食品危机正在考验着阿马蒂亚。森的主张,这位印度的经济学家指出,饥荒不会在民主政治中出现。

8.When news arrived of distant floods and famines, malfeasance and malnutrition, they told themselves that theirs was a world apart.当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。

9.and there shall be great earthquakes, and in divers places famines and pestilences ; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven.到处会有严重的地震、饥荒,和瘟疫,又有可怕的奇迹异象在空中出现。

10.This may be a consequence of the famines and chronic malnutrition that caused millions of deaths in the past two centuries.这可能是导致过去两百年来成百数千万人口死亡的饥荒和长期营养不良造成的结果。