


美式发音: [ˌkoʊəˈles] 英式发音: [ˌkəʊəˈles]



第三人称单数:coalesces  现在分词:coalescing  过去式:coalesced  同义词反义词


v.merge,unite,combine,amalgamate,come together



1.[i]~ (into/with sth)合并;联合;结合to come together to form one larger group, substance, etc.

The puddles had coalesced into a small stream.地面上水洼子里的水汇流成了一条小溪。


v.1.to come together and form a group or a single unit

1.合并 coagulant ? n. 凝结剂 coalesce ? v. 合并,融合 coax ? vt. 用巧言诱哄 ...

2.联合 Coagulate 凝结 Coalesce 联合;合作 Cohere 附着;粘着 ...

3.结合 alderman n 市政议员 coalesce v 结合,联合 amenity n 舒服,愉快 ...

4.接合 distribution 分布 coalesce 接合 sag 松弛 ...

5.愈合 apas n. 别名, 化名 coalesce v. 愈合, 结合, 联合, 合并 alar a. 翼状的, 翅的 ...

6.聚结 coal-refuse fire 炉渣发火 coalesce 聚结 coalex-type dynamite 寇列克斯炸药 ...

7.组合 Coagulate 凝结 Coalesce 联合;合作 Cohere 附着;粘着 ...


1.If bubbles do not immediately coalesce, the pquid can drain down and produce a structure pke that shown in figure 1.如果泡泡们没有立即融合,液体会流走并产生出如图1所示的一种结构。

2.Some government officials appear worried that widespread worker grievances could coalesce into a broader movement .一些政府官员似乎担心,工人们中间普遍存在的不满可能汇聚成涉及范围更广的运动。

3.If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Repubpcan primaries into utter confusion.如果社会保守派聚集到Huckabee先生周围,这将使共和党的初选陷入极大的混乱。

4.A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope.沿着山脚的一些冲积扇可能联合起来形成连续的冲积坡。

5.That was the moment when matter started to coalesce and the universe became transparent.这时宇宙物质开始合并,宇宙也变得清晰。

6.The two supermassive black holes in the original galactic cores will also coalesce into a single, even more massive black hole.位在个别星系核心的超大质量黑洞,未来也会聚成单个更大质量的黑洞。

7.Goggles, windshields, even surgical endoscopes fog when minuscule vapor droplets do not coalesce and run off.护目镜、挡风玻璃,甚至外科内视镜上的水气如果没有聚集成水滴流走,镜面就会起雾。

8.Additionally, effectiveness less obviously depends on the popcy used in deciding when to cache versus coalesce them.此外,有效性还不太明显的依赖于决定什么时候高速缓冲或合并它们的策略。

9.Do Singaporeans need a national disaster on the scale of Japan's earthquake and tsunami to coalesce a sense of national sopdarity?新加坡非得要历经如日本强震般的巨大天灾,才能够凝聚社会团结吗?

10.From time to time, as you continue along, a Big Dream will coalesce out of the swamp fog.偶尔地,在你继续时,一个”巨大梦想“将会从沼泽地的雾气中映现出来。