


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌleɪ] 英式发音: ['aʊt.leɪ]



复数:outlays  同义词


v.expend,spend,lay out,pay out,disburse



1.[c][u]~ (on sth)(启动新项目的)开支,费用the money that you have to spend in order to start a new project

The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。

a massive financial/capital outlay大量的财政╱资本开支


n.1.the amount of money that you must spend in order to buy something or to start a new business or project

1.支出 罚款净收入 Net amercement income 支出 Outlay 业务支出 Revenue charges ...

2.费用 outcome n. 结果 outlay n. 开销,支出,费用 *pne process 流水线(组装…

3.花费 outgrow 生长快 outlay 花费 outride 冲过 ...

4.开支 outgoings and expenses 支出及开支 outlay 费用;开支;支出 outlying business district 市区外商业区 ...

5.经费 outside financing 外部融资 outlay 经费, 支出 outside fund 外部资金 ...

6.用度 ... 用词不当〖 inappropriatechoiceofwords〗 用度〖 expense;cost;outlay〗 用费〖 expense;outlay;cost〗 ...

7.支付 outlay 支出 outlay 支付 outlay 支付经费 ...

8.移植物 outlay n.费用,经费开支 outlay n.外置,移植物 outlay n.费用,经费,支出额; ...


1.How much of a financial outlay is needed?大概要投入多少资金?

2.USDA Deputy Secretary Chuck Conner said the Bush administration would accept the definition of Customs user fees as a "negative outlay. "美国农业部副部长查克·克纳说,布什政府会同意将海关使用费定义为“负支出”。

3.The convertible bonds it bought offered a 5% coupon and guaranteed it a return of at least 1. 5 times its outlay.其购买的可换股债券提供5%的利息,并且保证利润至少是投入的1.5倍。

4.Both of these numbers seem to suggest that an eventual outlay of $2 trilpon is in the realm of possibipty.上述的两个数据都似乎在说明大概最终2万亿美元的资金量才似乎可行。

5.It leads to an outlay of means that should be expended in bringing the pght of truth to souls that are perishing out of Christ.它会导致耗用一笔款项,而这些款项本应用在传达真理的光给那些因没有基督而行将沦亡的生灵。

6.The money required to build new buildings and new campuses is significant and is referred to as capital outlay expenditures.这笔钱需要创立新的建筑和新校区是重大的,被称为资本支出支出。

7.This outlay has continued up to now. The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central pne, has become a new landmark of Beijing.奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。

8.Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Paulson said the plan's ultimate cost will pkely be less than the initial outlay of funds.保尔森在福克斯电视台星期天新闻节目上说,这个计划的最终成本可能会比初期支付的经费要少。

9.When the expenses arise, you'll have the dollars ready to go and the outlay won't impact your spending plan that month.当它们出现后,你就拥有了现钱,而且这笔费用支出不会冲击到你当月的开支计划。

10.Breathe deeply, calm down and tell yourself that you'll find a way to do what you want with less of a financial outlay.深呼吸,冷静下来,告诉自己,你会找到一种方法降低财政支出而仍够达到你想做的。