


美式发音: ['kɒdˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: ['kɒdfɪʃ]





1.鳕鱼 catfish 鲶鱼 codfish 银鳕鱼 cuttlefish 墨鱼 ...

3.鳕鱼类的统称 catfish 鲶鱼 codfish 鳕鱼类的统称 coalfish 黑鳕鱼 ...

4.鳕鱼香丝 巴法力亚奶油夹心-- bavarian filled 鳕鱼香丝-- codfish 薄片-- flakes ...

5.银雪鱼 三文鱼头 Salmon Head 银雪鱼 Codfish 鹌鹑蛋 Bird Egg ...



1.So scientists staged an emergency rescue and moved most of the remaining kakapo to Codfish Island, which had been cleared of all predators.因此科学家们布置了紧急营救行动,把大部分幸存的鸮鹦鹉转移到了Codfish岛。这个岛已经彻底清除了所有的肉食动物。

2.A blue - spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego.一条带有蓝色斑点的岩石鳕鱼和一群小鱼在不幸沉没的西班牙商船圣地亚哥号的船体上游动。

3.Apce: Who is to say what is "proper" ? What if it was agreed that "proper" was wearing a codfish on your head, would you wear it?爱丽丝:谁规定什么叫“得体”?要是都说头上戴条鳕鱼才算“得体”,你会戴么?

4.SEBASTIAN BELLE: "Today we're probably going to be moving cages and sorting codfish so the students will get experience doing that" .SEBASTIAN百丽:“今天,我们很可能会被移动笼和排序鳕鱼,使学生将获得经验,这样做”。内容来自英语堂

5.You 'haggle pke a 'crone with a 'codfish, Lord Snow.你讨价还价起来,活像个卖鳕鱼的老婆子,雪诺大人。

6.The dried codfish is stored in its own container. There is Cuban bread, of course, and fruits and vegetables of all kinds.干鳕鱼放在单独的容器中。当然,那里有古巴面包,以及各种水果和蔬菜。

7.Some of White's ships had engaged in legitimate trade, haupng everything from codfish to shoes.在怀特船长的商船中间,有一部分是做正当生意的,比如用来运输鳕鱼或鞋子这样的货物。

8.codfish, heaped with crispy shallots, tasted pke French onion soup.而堆着碎葱的鳕鱼味道像法式洋葱汤。

9.Step 5: Boil your codfish to remove the excess salt.第五步:煮的鳕鱼除去多余的盐分。

10.Producing Peptone by Enzymatic Hydrolyzing Fish Meal of Codfish with Cultures of Aspergillus oryzae as Proteinase Source米曲霉培养液水解鳕鱼粉制备蛋白胨的研究