




1.产品介绍 Cognos入门到精通- …

2.报表发布问题 ERP 二次开发 cognos 报表发布问题 WIKI 世界 ...

3.报表及发布 cognos 新手入门 Cognos 报表及发布 report studio 新手入门 ...

4.解脱 解脱 Cognos 苏一壹 yiyi ...

5.新手入门 active report 界面优化 cognos 新手入门 Cognos 报表及发布 ...


1.The Web-based authoring studios, pke Report Studio, can be started from Cognos Connection to create new resources or to edit existing ones.可以从CognosConnection启动基于Web的authoringstudio,例如ReportStudio,以创建新的资源或编辑已有的资源。

2.The apppcation and model are provided on a strictly "as is" basis and IBM Cognos Support is not able to offer any support for it.此应用程序和模型严格“按原样”提供,且IBMCognosSupport并不能为它提供任何支持。

3.The Server Name refers to the name of the cube being served by an IBM Cognos TM1 server on the administration host machine.ServerName是指由管理主机上的一台IBMCognosTM1服务器服务的多维数据集的名称。

4.The assumption is that this token is not consumable by any other IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider directly.假设任何其他IBMCognos8身份验证提供者都无法直接使用这种令牌。

5.All the information required can be found in Cognos Configuration of the instance that you wish to connect to.所有必要信息都可以在您想连接到的实例的CognosConfiguration中找到。

6.Each IBM Cognos 8 service has associated methods and each one of these methods are part of a method set.每个IBMCognos8服务都具有相关的方法,每个方法都属于方法集的一部分。

7.This web server error can occur when you are trying to access the Cognos Express Gateway ISAPI module running on a 64-bit server machine.当您试图访问一台64位机器上运行的CognosExpressGatewayISAPI模块时,就可能会出现这个错误。

8.Employing an experienced IBM Cognos technical consultant to upgrade your Controller server(s) is always recommended.IBM总是建议聘请经验丰富的IBMCognos技术支持来升级您的Controller服务器。

9.Variations in the time zones of your users can result in surprising impacts on the daily patterns of load on your Cognos deployment.您用户的时区中的变化可能会对您Cognos部署上负载的日模式产生深远的影响。

10.Within the right hand Server section provide the host and the port of the IBM Cognos server which contains the reports to be analyzed.在右侧Server部分提供IBMCognos的host和port,该服务器包含要分析的报表。