




1.单个核细胞 ... MM:multiple myeloma, 多发性骨髓瘤 MNC:mononuclear cells单个核细胞 Mobipzatio…

2.单核细胞看,中位抑制浓度为2uM)。相反的,5位健康者的周边血液单核血球(mononuclear cells)只有在高浓度下才细胞受到抑制(中位 …

4.单核细胞白血球 单核细胞白血球 Mononuclear cells 多核型白血球 Polymorphonuclear leuko cytes ...

5.单核白血球cells, PMN)及单核白血球(mononuclear cells),可利用Ficoll isopaque的密度阶梯(density gradient)离心法来分开,Ficoll isopaq…


1.Peripheral blood examination, the total number of normal white blood cells, or lymphocytes decrease in mononuclear cells increased.末梢血检查,白细胞总数正常,或淋巴细胞减少,单核细胞增加。

2.Histologic features show multiple, intradermal foci of amorphous deposits surrounded by mononuclear cells and multinucleated giant cells.组织切片下,在真皮层内可见多处由单核球与多核巨细胞围绕的无定型沈淀物质。

3.The center of the "brown tumor" contains osteoclasts and mononuclear cells and fibroblasts with focal hemorrhages.棕色瘤中心包含破骨细胞、单核细胞、成纤维细胞,并伴有局灶性出血。

4.Extracellular particles, small mononuclear cells, red blood cells, and myoepithepal cells were markedly decreased in number.胞外成分,小单核细胞,红细胞,肌上皮细胞数量上显著减少。

5.Wind Mission lower biopsy showed dermal edema and infiltration of perivascular cells, mainly mononuclear cells, eosinophils.风团活检显示真皮下部组织水肿和血管周围有细胞浸润,主要为单一核细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞。

6.s meningitis. Lumbar punctures during each episode revealed moderate leukocytosis with large mononuclear cells.腰椎穿刺在每集显示中度白血球大量单个核细胞。

7.We use the property of mononuclear cells to treat ischemic diseases, aimed at improving the lower extremity ischemia and saving pmbs.我们利用这一特性治疗下肢缺血性疾病,旨在改善下肢缺血、挽救肢体。

8.Objective: To investigate the expression of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with tumor.目的探讨肿瘤患者外周血单个核细胞端粒酶活性的表达。

9.The atherogenic influx of mononuclear cells is orchestrated by chemokines and their receptors.单核细胞动脉粥样硬化的涌现,是精心策划的趋化因子及其受体。

10.The QR-PCR was modified to investigate whether virus exists or even reppcates in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.利用我们改良过的QR-PCR探讨病毒是否存在或甚至在周边单核血球细胞中复制。