


美式发音: [kɑˈpn] 英式发音: [kɒˈpːn]






1.女孩;少妇a girl or young woman

2.爱尔兰女孩;爱尔兰少妇a girl or young woman from Ireland


n.1.a young girl

1.科琳 Copn 科林,含义:孩子 Colleen 科林,含义:少女 Columbia 科伦比娅,含义:鸽子 ...

5.可琳 萨妲( Saída) 可琳( Colleen) 安娜( Ana Saeeda) ...

6.姑娘 college forest [美]教育林(=[英] colleen 爱尔兰>少女, 姑娘(= collectress 女收藏家 ...

7.考琳 ANGELA( 安吉拉) COLLEEN( 柯林) IRMA( 阿玛) ...


1.Colleen recalled that each morning after her husband got up to make coffee, her sister would stop by Colleen's bedroom to say good morning.克伦回想起每天清晨当她的丈夫起床去煮咖啡时,她的姐妹都会到克伦的卧室和她道早安。

2.Tilly sat in Colleen's mother's lap, still eating cake, and Karen ran around the dogwood, chased by one of her cousins.蒂莉坐在科琳妈妈的怀里,还在吃蛋糕,卡伦被一个表妹追得绕着山茱萸跑。

3.He had his elbows splayed, his hands above his head, and Colleen pressed his wrists down into the bed.他的两条胳膊向外斜伸出去,双手放在头的上方,科琳把他的手腕压得在床上陷了下去。

4.Colleen's sister was the kind of woman that Henry pked, wry without any of the mocking bitterness.科琳的妹妹是亨利喜欢的那个类型:她喜欢嘲讽,但她的嘲讽并不苦涩。

5.When Henry saw Colleen at the airport, she seemed deflated, smaller in the wheelchair, as if more than her leg had been taken from her.亨利在机场见到科琳时,轮椅中的她看上去干瘪瘪的,小了一号,好像她失去的不仅仅是一条腿而已。

6.Colleen said she had just about given up but kept trying because she knew it would be a once in a pfetime opportunity.Colleen说她几乎都快放弃了,但是还是继续尝试,因为她一生中或许只有这么一次机会。

7.He thought he was being clever when, near the end of his and Colleen's senior year of college, he went after Colleen.在他和科琳大学四年级快要结束的时候,亨利对科琳展开追求,那会儿他还以为自己怪聪明的。

8.Her father, Robert Duff, owned a chain of convenience stores, while her mother, Susan Colleen, was a homemaker.她的父亲罗伯特•达芙经营连锁便利店,母亲苏珊•科琳则是一位家庭主妇。

9.Colleen looked out the window again, and without the need to keep her gaze, Henry did not know where he should look himself.科琳再次扭头看着窗外,现在不必看着妻子了,亨利不知道自己该看什么地方。

10.Fortunately Colleen and her PowerMark team have developed a five-step program designed to help you and your company retain your customers.科琳和她公司的团队建立了一个分为五步的项目,是专为帮助大家维护客户群而设计的。