



美式发音: [ˌriˈloʊd] 英式发音: [riːˈləʊd]



第三人称单数:reloads  现在分词:reloading  过去式:reloaded  同义词反义词


v.refill,fill,replenish,fill up



v.1.to put something into an object such as a gun or a camera so that it is ready to use again

1.重装上阵 360桌面— simple round 火鸡猎杀:重装上阵 Turkey Blast:Reloaded 黄光裕真相 The Thrall of Leif the Lucky ...

2.娜妹好坏 ... > Rated R( 限制级) > Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded( 娜妹好坏【超级好样版】) 2.Push Up On Me 情趣游戏 ...

3.狙击菁英-重装上阵 ... 狙击手 重装上阵 |SNIPER RELOADED 狙击菁英-重装上阵 |Sniper:Reloaded 打擂台 |Gallants | Tiger&Dragon Rel…

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6.重装模式极限模式(Extreme),重装模式Reloaded),垂直模式(Vertical)和黄金模式(Gold)——等待着你的到来!玩法简单, …


1.In a typical Web apppcation, Web pages are frequently reloaded, wiping out the memory for that page and starting with a clean state.在一个典型的Web应用程序中,Web页面经常重新加载,清除该页面的内存并开始一个干净的页面。

2.The new flash image will be verified after it is downloaded. The router is now ready to be reloaded to use the new IOS image.新的快闪记忆体映像档将在它被下载后加以验证。路由器现在准备好可重新启动以使用这新的IOS映像档。

3.This allows a single JSP class to be reloaded when necessary, without affecting any other loaded JSP classes.这使得在必要时可重新加载单独的JSP类,而不会影响到任何其它加载的JSP类。

4.If the disk copy has not changed since the workbook was loaded, the in-memory copy of the workbook is not reloaded.如果自加载工作簿以来还未更改过磁盘副本,则不重新加载工作簿的内存副本。

5.An image is reloaded any time that you programmatically change the properties of a control on which the image appears.每当您以程式设计方式变更显示影像之控制项的属性时,就会重新载入影像。

6.A few hours later, the casket was reloaded into the hearse and depvered to another nearby building, this time covered in a blue cloth.几个小时之后,棺材被重新放进了灵车里,随后送往另一个附近的建筑。这一次棺材上盖着一块蓝布。

7.A read-timeout-seconds with a value of 0 specifies that the read-only bean is not to be reloaded from the database.read-timeout-seconds值为0表明只读bean不从数据库重新加载。

8.An Adaptive Server Enterprise database can be unloaded and reloaded as long as the system is quiet and the transaction log is fully scanned.对于AdaptiveServerEnterprise数据库,只要系统处于安静状态,而且事务日志已被完全扫描,就可以卸载和重装该数据库。

9.As a result of this call, the currently stored values for the apppcation settings are reloaded into their corresponding properties.进行此调用后,当前存储的应用程序设置值将被重新加载到其对应的属性中。

10.Any of these files can also be reloaded in the warehouse to perform further analysis on specific steps.还可以将其中任何一个文件重新加载到仓库中,用以对特定的步骤执行进一步分析。