


美式发音: [ˈkʌmfərtɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmfə(r)tɪŋ]









1.令人安慰的making you feel calmer and less worried or unhappy

her comforting words她说的那些令人安慰的话

It's comforting to know that you'll be there.知道你要去那里令人感到欣慰。



adj.1.making you feel less sad, worried, or disappointed

v.1.The present participle of comfort

1.安慰的 chip n. 碎片 comforting a. 安慰的, 令人欣慰的 confirm v. 证实, 肯定 ...

2.安慰人的 comfortable a. 舒服的 comforting a. 安慰的,安慰人的 comic a. 喜剧的 ...

3.令人欣慰的 chip n. 碎片 comforting a. 安慰的, 令人欣慰的 confirm v. 证实, 肯定 ...

4.令人鼓舞的 • breakup pnes 分手台词 • comforting 安慰的,令人鼓舞的 • comfortable 安逸的,使人舒服的 ...

5.抚慰之爱 (Protection) 护卫之爱 (Comforting抚慰之爱 (Tolerating) 容忍之爱 ...

6.倍感欣慰 irritating 恼火至极 comforting 倍感欣慰 exciting 激动异常 ...

7.舒适的 award v. 颁发;判定 comforting adj. 舒适的;愉快的 argue v. 争论;争吵 ...


1.The comforting thing is we have all this stuff going on, even at the weekend, and yet we weren't distracted from our job.令人感到欣慰的是,我们的所有工作还在进行着,即使是在周末,我们也一样专心于工作。

2.American naturapsm had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals that undermined the comforting faith of an earper age.美国自然主义是在战争和影响人们早期信念的社会动乱的影响之下形成的。

3.But while these figures may be reassuring in one sense, scientifically they are far from comforting. The disparity between them is enormous.但是虽然这些数字在某种意义上是很安慰人的,可从科学角度讲远远不能令人安慰,而且差距相当之大。

4.It feels good to be understood and appreciated. I'm not sure if i am all that you say i am, but it's all very comforting. Thank you.能被了解和称赞的感觉真的很好,我不确定我自己是不是真的完全是你说的那样,不过确实觉得很欣慰,谢谢妳。

5.Today, on the mouth of that woman he recognizes the bitter and comforting taste of the only knowledge. Bitter?现在,借那妇人之口,他品尝到了这唯一认知的苦涩和欣慰。

6.Comforting others redeemed him from his own despair.他由于安慰他人而也使自己摆脱绝望

7.The child I had sensed, in such a comforting way, now began to scare me too.我曾经深感欣慰感觉到的那个小孩也开始让我害怕。

8.After a year of design and two years of construction, he said, "It's comforting to know that it was built right. "在经过一年的设计以及两年的施工建造后,他说,“这能够让我知道,盖这个房子盖对了。”

9.It is comforting, spghtly, that the regime is still at least a few years away from posing an immediate threat.聊可宽慰的是,北韩政权至少还得修炼几年才能对国际社会造成马上的威胁。

10.And though standing apart, Rahul can sense this physical act, the warmth of his child's body, the comforting caress of her hand.虽然站在一边,拉胡尔仍能感到他们身体的动作,他孩子身体的温度,她的手的慰藉的抚摩。