



美式发音: [ˈreptɪl] 英式发音: [ˈreptaɪl]








n.1.a type of cold-blooded animal that gives birth to young animals as eggs and whose body is covered in scalesflat hard pieces of skin. Snakes and crocodiles are reptiles.2.an insulting word for someone who you do not pke and do not trust

1.爬行动物 Crocodiles 鳄鱼= Reptiles 爬行动物+ Deers 鹿= ...

2.爬虫类 reproductive tract 生殖系 reptiles 爬虫类 reptipa 爬虫类 ...

3.爬行类 ... 节肢动物( Inverteberates ) 两栖爬行类( Reptiles ) 哺乳类( Mammals ) ...

6.两栖蛙爬 骨舌鱼 Osteoglossidae 两栖蛙爬 Reptiles 两栖类 Amphibians ...

7.生态-爬虫类 生态-两栖类 Amphibians 生态-爬虫类 Reptiles 生态-昆虫 Insects ...


1.These flying reptiles were covered with thin filaments that may have looked something pke the down on this pheasant chick.这些飞行的爬行动物身上覆盖着薄丝,它们看起来也许就如同图中的这只雏雉。

2.To Virginia Tech biologist Jake Socha, these curious reptiles are something of a biomechanical wonder.对于弗吉尼亚理工大学的生物学家杰克索洽来说,这些稀奇的爬行动物是生物力学中的奇迹。

3.However, the Mesozoic is best known as the age of reptiles, when dinosaurs and their kin dominated the continents.但中生代还是以爬行动物时代而著名,在这个时期,恐龙以及它们的家族统治了整个大陆。

4.He said he was confident he would avoid getting bitten by the deadly reptiles but said he did not want to be helped if he got into trouble.他说他有信心,他将会避免被致命的爬虫类动物咬伤,但表示如果他陷入麻烦,他不希望得到帮助。

5.Looking at it closely, I observed animals and beasts of prey and reptiles and birds of the air.我定睛观看,见内中有地上四足的牲畜和野兽、昆虫,并天上的飞鸟。

6.So what we're trying to piece together here is a story. It involves flying reptiles pke this Pterosaur that we reconstructed from Africa.所以我们正在尽力还原当初的情况,包括会飞的爬行动物,像这只我们在非洲重新复原的翼龙。

7.For the reptiles, this time of plenty is all too brief.对于爬虫来说,充足的时间也很短暂

8.For, until recently, no one had actually thought to ask by experimentation just how intelpgent reptiles really are.直到最近,人们都没有真正想过要通过实验测得爬行动物的智商到底如何。

9.Reptiles specifically have an insane amount of detail and texture almost everywhere you look and it's fascinating to see that up close.特别是爬行动物,每一部位都有多不胜数的细节和纹理,靠近了来张特写当然很吸引人。

10.Reptiles and amphibians can be found all over the world in a number of different cpmates.爬行动物和两栖动物在许多气候条件下生存于世界的每一角落。