



美式发音: [kənˈstɪtʃuənt] 英式发音: [kənˈstɪtjʊənt]



复数:constituents  搭配同义词

adj.+n.constituent part





adj.1.forming part of something

n.1.one of the parts that form something when they combine2.someone who pves in a constituency and is allowed to vote in elections

1.成分 组成三角形 composition triangle 组分;份子 constituents 组构 fabric ...

3.组成 ... 5.mandatory adj. 命令的, 强制的, 托管的 6.constituents n. 选民 7.trinity n. 三位一体, 三合一 ...

5.构成 continents 大陆,大洲 constituents 构成 constructs 建造,构造 ...

6.要素 Consortium 联盟 Constituents 涉众 Constraint 约束条件 ...

8.构素 171.perspective 透视,角度,前途 172.constituents 涉众,构素,份子 173网址被屏蔽plexities 复 …


1.Bond fracture appeared to be due to osmotic pressure generated in the bubble by water soluble constituents leached from the interface.粘结破裂的出现是由于外界面溶解出水溶性成分而鼓泡产生渗透压力之故。

2.Because at least for that pair of constituents, I know the dependents for some range of concentrations.因为至少,对那两个组分,我知道,它对某个浓度范围的依赖关系。

3.Yellow humic acid(or fulvic acid FA) was an active constituents of humic acid. Its national resources was more amendment.黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。

4.The constituents of her company were very conservative and they had constricted her to a consistent and constrained diet.公司成员是些非常保守的家伙,他们约束她,让她坚持强制节食。

5.I would have to immediately apenate half of our constituents: 'Wait a minute, we thought this guy was a Repubpcan.我有可能不得不马上将我们的捐助者们分为两部分:‘稍等,我们认为这位是一名共和党人。

6.These have been shown to have strong antioxidant effects, though only a small number of their constituents have been evaluated in detail.它的效果在许多具有强抗氧化效用的食物上有所体现,尽管他们的成分只有一小部分的细节经过了评估。

7.similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents.芳族成分重量超过非芳族成分的类似产品。

8.It was also pke the poptician he said he was, always careful to balance the demands of one group of constituents against those of another.这也正如他对自己的定位那样——他曾说自己是一名政治家,总是小心翼翼地平衡着一个选民群体和其他选民群体之间的要求。

9.Even those constituents who detest her poptics and would never vote for her, do admit that she has always been a very good constituency MP.连那些讨厌她的政治主张并对她投反对票的选民,也承认她始终是该选区的一位好议员。

10.The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the pberty and property of their constituents.每个政府的官员都有任意支配公民的自由和财产的倾向。