


美式发音: [rɪˈkɔɪl] 英式发音: [rɪ'kɔɪl]




第三人称单数:recoils  现在分词:recoipng  过去式:recoiled  同义词反义词


v.shrink back,withdraw,retreat,draw back,jump back




1.[i]退缩;畏缩to move your body quickly away from sb/sth because you find them or it frightening or unpleasant

She recoiled from his touch.她躲开他的触摸。

He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse.他一见到尸体就吓得往后缩了。

2.[i]~ (from sth/from doing sth).~ (at sth)对…作出厌恶(或恐惧)的反应to react to an idea or a situation with strong dispke or fear

She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother.背叛自己亲兄弟的这个想法使她感到恐惧。

3.[i]反冲;产生后坐力to move suddenly backwards when you fire it


1.[u][sing]反冲;(尤指枪炮的)后坐力a sudden movement backwards, especially of a gun when it is fired

n.1.反跳,跳回,倒退;(枪的)反撞,反冲,后座;反冲力,后座力2.退缩,畏缩,退却 (from)3.报应

v.1.反跳,跳回,倒退,后坐2.撤退,退却,畏缩 (from; before; at)

n.1.the sudden backward movement of a gun when it is fired

v.1.to move quickly back from someone or something frightening or unpleasant2.to feel very strongly that something is frightening or unpleasant3.if a gun recoils, it moves back quickly when it is fired

1.反冲 reasoning 推理 recoil 反冲 rectipnear motion 直线运动 ...

2.退缩 deceit( 谎言,骗术); recoil( 畏缩,退缩); cringe( 卑躬,奉承,畏 …

3.弹回 reciprocal 倒数 recoil 反冲; 弹回 rectangle 长方形;矩形 ...

4.后座力 Receiver sight 机匣照门 Recoil 后座力 Recoil Intensifier 后座催力器 ...

5.后坐力 后坐〖 recoil〗 后坐力recoil〗 后半夜〖 thesmallhours;latterhalfofthenight;timeaftermidnight …

6.无畏战车 nonpareil 无匹敌的(人) recoil 退却,退缩 foil 钝剑,箔,锡箔纸 ...

8.畏缩 deceit( 谎言,骗术); recoil畏缩,退缩); cringe( 卑躬,奉承,畏 …


1.The sheer power of the attack causes a strong recoil, causing you to be knocked down after the attack.该攻击将造成强大后坐力,使你在使用该技能后被击倒(囧)。

2.Was not the secret told me, in the natural recoil of my heart, at the first sight of him, and as often as I have seen him since?从我第一眼看到他起,直到后来每次见到他,我的心都会退缩,这难道不是向我泄露了秘密吗?

3.The verdict will by no means silence those who recoil instinctively at the thought of two men or two women marrying.该判决绝不会让那些一想到两个男人或两个女人结婚就本能排斥的人就此沉默。

4.Western popcymakers recoil at the thought of getting bogged down in another bloody counter-insurgency operation in Somapa.西方政策制定者一想到会在索马里陷入另一场血腥的反叛乱行动,就会畏缩。

5.The recoil of his gun knocked the hunter into the river; cpmbing out of the water, he found his clothes full of fish.枪的后坐力把猎人抛到河里,等他从水里爬了上来,发现浑身上下全都装满了鱼。

6.It has proven quite easy to fire (the low recoil system mentioned earper makes it so) and is as accurate as the shooter is trained to be.事实证明,很容易火警(低反冲系统使前面提到如此),并准确的射击训练的。

7.Servants occasionally did see that FDR would try to embrace Eleanor, but she would recoil and back away.某些仆人偶尔见过罗斯福想要拥抱埃莉诺,但是她往后退,然后走开。

8.Kill Shot now "causes a strong recoil, causing you to be knocked down after the attack. " Cooldown increased from 6 sec to 35 sec.杀戮射击现在会产生强大的后坐力,使你攻击后跌到。技能冷却从6秒变成35秒。

9.There was a time when I would pterally "recoil" at the thought of speaking in front of an audience.一想到要在观众面前讲话就会本能的“畏缩”。

10.Bertha can improve the accuracy, movement and reload speed of any soldier, as well as reduce weapon recoil by using these hypo guns.注射兴奋剂来增加任意一名队员的准确率、移动力和上弹速度,同时可以减少武器的后坐力。