




1.消费者委员会 consumer behaviour 消费者行为 Consumer Council 消费者委员会 consumer demand 消费者需求 ...

2.香港消费者委员会 ... consumer 消费者,用户 Consumer Council 消费者协会 consumer behaviour 消费者行为 ...

4.消委会 爵士- -Sir 消委会- -Consumer council 特区护照- -HKSAR Passport ...

5.消费者利益保护委员会 ... consumer confidence 消费信心 Consumer Council 消费者利益保护委员会 consumer durables 耐用消费品 ...

6.消费委员会 ... consumer buyer 用户 Consumer Council 消费委员会 Consumer Insight 消费者内在需求 ...

7.香港消协最近,香港消协Consumer Council)又开辟了 “精明消费香港游”的简体中文网站,为我们理智消费,精明购物提供了权威的 …

8.消费者委会我会将此案交香港的消费者委会 (consumer council) 帮助处理, 肯请各位大兄帮助提供一些台湾 Lexus 免费更换的有关文件证明…


1.The FEHD and the Consumer Council announce the results of a collaborative survey on histamine in canned fish and tuna sandwiches .本署与消费者委员会公布携手测试罐头鱼及吞拿鱼三文治组胺含量的结果。

2.The results of a collaborative study on salt in local markets are announced by the FEHD and the Consumer Council.本署与消费者委员会公布就本地市场多款食盐共同研究的调查结果。

3.The Consumer Council pointed out that the optometrists are responsible for checking the spectacles before giving them to customers.消委会指出,视光师有责任确保交给顾客的眼镜度数正确无误。

4.A Consumer Council survey has found that the arsenic content of canned sardine and tuna tested exceeded mainland standards.消费者委员会调查发现,市面部分罐头鱼含有重金属砷,超出内地的标准。

5.Yongle pcensed products are also the Consumer Council as a recommendation of goods.永乐牌的产品还被消费者委员会列为推荐商品。

6.In finapsing the recommendations, the IWG has taken into account comments received from the industry associations and the Consumer Council.在落实有关建议的过程中,工作小组已考虑到业内公会及消费者委员会提出的意见。

7.Shenzhen City has been awarded the Consumer Council "integrity unit" of the title.97年至今被深圳市消费者委员会授予“诚信单位”的称号。

8.Secondly, the HKMA had to reach a consensus with the Consumer Council on how to implement the popcy.第二,金管局须与消费者委员会就如何执行该政策达成共识。

9.The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International.这项研究是由笔试和英国国家消费者委员会(NCC)的游说组织的国际消费者研究。

10.He is a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Hang Seng Index Advisory Committee and chairman of the Consumer Council in Hong Kong.陈家强教授还担任着太平绅士、恒生指数顾问委员会委员(HangSengIndexAdvisoryCommittee)以及香港消费者委员会主席等职务。