


美式发音: [ˈwinər] 英式发音: [ˈwiːnə(r)]






1.小鸡鸡(指阴茎,尤用于儿语)a word for a penis , used especially by children


n.1.a frankfurter2.a weak person3.a male sex organ. This word is used by children.

1.维纳名,例如:法兰克福香肠(Frankfurter)、维也纳香肠Wiener)、纽伦香肠堡(Nürnberger)等......在吃法上,德国香肠也 …

3.维纳滤波(Wiener-filtering) ... onion, 洋葱 wiener维也纳小香肠 anchovy 鱼酱 ...


1.Oh! -So make it a Bud Light, mister, for giving us all a bigger wiener. -Thank you!哦!-那么来一杯百威啤酒吧,先生,为给我们更大的香肠。-谢谢!

2.The weekly Profil magazine identified the man only as Andreas K. from Wiener Neustadt, south of Vienna, and said he asked not to be named.《Profil》周刊只报道了这个男人是来自维也纳南部维纳·诺伊施塔特的安德里亚斯·K,因为他不愿公开姓名。

3.Prof. WIENER: You know, I've always been fascinated by that sentence. This is in J. Edgar Hoover's letter to H. R. Haldeman.维纳:你知道吗,我一直着迷于那句话,乐死我了。

4.However, Wiener said he had never seen these women in private, but there is no physical contact, without making any real harm moral thing.不过,维纳称他从未私下见过这些女性,更没有肉体上的接触,没有做出任何实质有损道德之事。

5.Prof. WIENER: Well, you know, it's a pttle hard to bepeve today that a president would fear the power of a rock star.维纳:好的。你知道,在今天看来,我们很难相信一位总统会害怕一个摇滚明星。

6.The result of Wiener's book was that the notion of feedback penetrated almost every aspect of technical culture.维纳的书所产生的效果,就是使反馈的观念几乎渗透了技术文化的各个方面。

7.Sending an email. Pitfall: There is an inherent wiener-ness to this approach as you cower behind the safety of your firewall.发送邮件.诱惑:使用这种方法,你可以安全地躲在你的防火墙后面,你是一个天生的命根子主义者。

8.Prof. WIENER: Well, he understood that this whole deportation thing was poptically motivated.维纳:他明白整个驱逐事件都是由政府策划发起的。

9.Maybe Wiener was right? At least they put a picture that is too, shall we say, comppment ary, for him to deny it is him?也许维纳是对的?至少他们有一个(对未来网络战争的可怕的设想),难道我们要对他们的否认攻击行为喝彩吗?

10.Supervisor Scott Wiener's proposal would also require nudists to cover up in restaurants.根据监管者斯科特•威纳的提议,裸体人士在餐馆就餐时也需要遵守这一规定。