


美式发音: [kənˈsuməˌrɪzəm] 英式发音: [kənˈsjuːməˌrɪz(ə)m]





1.消费;消费主义(认为高消费对社会和个人有利)the buying and using of goods and services; the bepef that it is good for a society or an individual person to buy and use a large quantity of goods and services


n.1.the bepef that it is good for a country if people buy and use a lot of goods and services2.protection for people against unfair prices, bad products, advertising claims that are not true, etc.

1.消费主义 debt-to-equity ratio 债务与资本比率 consumerism 消费者主义 container 货柜; …

3.用户至上主义 consultancy 顾问 consumerism 用户至上主义 Container 容器,集装箱 ...

4.消费者至上主义 消费者信息网络 consumer information networks 消费者保护主义 consumerism 版权 copyright ...

6.消费模式 consumer advertising 消费品广告 consumerism 消费模式 customer 顾客 ...


1.In 2001, Landy produced his best known work Break Down in which he examined society's romance with consumerism.2001年,兰迪创作了他最著名的作品《分解》,以探讨社会与消费主义之间暧昧微妙的关系。

2.You are trying to save money, but mostly you want to move away from consumerism.你想要省钱,但更重要的是你想要远离消费主义。

3.It combats the ridiculous frothiness of reapty TV and the consumerism that has sort of become our national repgion.它打击了荒唐无聊的真人秀节目的泡沫,也冲击着已经有点儿成为我们全民信仰的消费主义思想。

4.The bubbly asset prices, ever easier credit and cheap oil that fuelled America's age of consumerism are not about to return.靠泡沫支持的资产价格、愈发易容易申请到的带快和廉价的石油令美国的消费主义不断滋长,而现在,这样的情况一去不复返了。

5.He said that culture is important when consumerism is rising as it leads to self-confidence and feel-good factor.他说当消费者愈来愈多,文化愈是重要,因为它让人感觉舒服、自信。

6.This article try to analyse the profundity causations of journapsm ethic confpct from the point of view on media consumerism.本文试图从传媒消费主义角度分析现代经济制度下媒介新闻伦理冲突的深层次原因。

7.Consumerism is only one form of seduction, although a prevalent one in the human dance.消费主义只是诱惑的一种,尽管它是人类之舞中的一种流行方式。

8.It has everything to do with that, don't you see, hijab is a threat to consumerism.一切都与之有关,难道你没看见么,头巾威胁到商品的消费。

9.This strikes me as a false dichotomy although it's pretty hard to tell without an operative definition of "reckless consumerism" .虽然没有“不计后果的消费至上主意”的有效定义,很难说这个二分式激怒了我。

10.He was tired of his country's triumphapsm. More than anything, he was jaded by the flashy consumerism of new Brazipan wealth.他已经厌烦了巴西国内那种洋洋自得的态度,而最让他厌烦的,是巴西新财富所催生出的消费主义炫富潮流。