


美式发音: [ˈkoʊpiəs] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊpiəs]








1.大量的;充裕的;丰富的in large amounts

copious(= large) amounts of water大量的水

I took copious notes.我做了详尽的笔记。

She supports her theory with copious evidence.她以大量的论据来支持自己的理论。


adj.1.large, or in large amounts

1.丰富的 coop n. 小屋,鸡笼 copious ? adj. 丰富的 coquette ? n. 风骚的女人,玩弄男人的女人 ...

2.大量的 contaminate v 弄脏,污染 copious a 大量的 excoriate v 剥皮;严厉批评 ...

3.沛 ... 蓄积用来灌田的水[ water for irrigation] abundant; copious; 通旆”。旗,幡[ flag;banner] ...

4.冗长的 ... shuffle v.洗(牌) n.搅乱 四级词汇 copious a.丰富的;冗长的 六级词汇 headland n.岬 六级词汇 ...

5.很多的 sensation n. 感觉, 感情, 感动, 耸人听闻的 copious adj. 很多的, 广识的, 丰富的 apply vt. 申请, 应用 ...

6.富饶的 contrast n.对比,对照 v.对比,对照 copious a.丰富的,富饶的 cushion n.垫子 v.缓冲 ...

7.形容众多或丰盛 [loud] 形容声音响亮 [numerous;copious] 形容众多或丰盛 [grand;magnificent] 盛大 ...


1.I took a rubbing, recorded his information into one of my copious notebooks, and then stood examining the fancy stone for a few moments.我在摩擦,他的信息记录到我的一个丰富的笔记本电脑,然后站在审查花式石一会儿。

2.They, not being able to follow him in his wealth, found it easier to copy him in prodigapty and copious spending of what was not their own.他们的家当赶不上他,可是觉得跟他学着去挥霍糟蹋那些不是他们自己的财物倒不难。

3.And to get the most out of the system you need the steam to be both very hot indeed and available in copious amounts.为了能够充分的利用该系统,你所需要的蒸气温度必须十分高并且可利用的数量十分充足。

4.His first act was to kneel down on a large stone beside the row of vessels, and to drink a copious draught from one of them.他首先跪在那排水桶旁的一块大石头上,俯在一个桶,把水喝了个饱。

5.He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated.他坚持认为,在其卷轶浩繁的科幻小说里,他不是在预测未来,而仅仅是在推理。

6.Bystanders throw cold water over the contestants, who drink copious amounts of sake in an effort to stop from freezing.路边的旁观者则把冷水泼到他们身上。参赛者们则喝大量的清酒以免被冻僵。

7.Schools could do more than any other single institution to enhance adolescent health and copious pfe.学校比任何组织更能提升年轻人的健康和丰富生活。

8.With copious lungfuls of that "pfe-prolonging air" inside them, they would be themselves again.吸足了“延年益寿”的新鲜空气之后,他们就会重获健康。

9.'The Cash Nexus' contains copious analysis and information, and a graceful introduction spells out the whole argument.《现金关系》包括了丰富的分析和信息,也是一次完善的介绍,详细地说明这种关系的整个内容。

10.Immediately go to a safety shower or other available water and flush with copious amounts of water for at least five (5) minutes.立刻转移到安全淋浴处或其它有水的地方,用大量的水冲洗至少5分钟。