


美式发音: [səˈtænɪk] 英式发音: [sə'tænɪk]





1.崇拜撒旦的connected with the worship of the Devil

satanic cults对撒旦的崇拜

2.道德败坏的;邪恶的morally bad and evil


adj.1.involving the worship of Satan as a god2.very evil and cruel


2.撒旦 Sange and Yasha 对剑 Satanic 撒旦 Mjollnir 雷神 ...

3.恶魔的 satelpte 卫星 satanic 恶魔的, 魔鬼的 Satan 撒旦(魔鬼) ...

4.邪恶的 ... sapient 睿智的 satanic 邪恶的 secretive 有城府的 ...

5.穷凶极恶的 panic 恐慌,惊惶 satanic 穷凶极恶的 titanic 巨大的,力大无比的 ...

6.撒旦之邪力 雷神之锤( Mjollnir) 撒旦之邪力( Satanic) 辉耀( Radiance) ...

7.撒旦的气度 ... Radiance 圣衣 Satanic 撒旦的气度 Eye of Skadi 冰面具 ...


1.I would go so far to say that something pke a satanic may be one of our best guides in our reading of Milton.我在这里大可以这样说,这种撒旦式的艺术感受力也许是我们在阅读米尔顿时的最好引导。

2.In this situation, he possibly was entangled in the snare of a secret Satanic cult and went through the ritual of dedication.在这种情况下,他可能已陷入一个秘密撒殚教组织的罗网,并经历了献祭仪式。

3.Satanic rituals are often performed in a natural setting pke this, but this fence is a poor altar.撒旦仪式就经常选这种自然环境来执行,但是少有用围栏当祭坛。

4.Is Paul talking here about sort of satanic angepc powers that ruled the cosmos?保罗这里说的是,某种统治着宇宙的撒旦或天使的力量吗?

5.But he also cracked down on anti-Krempn protests and refused to allow gay-pride marches, calpng homosexuapty "satanic. "但是同时他也对反克里姆林宫当局的公开示威采取严厉措施,拒绝允许同性恋游行,称同性恋是“邪恶的”。

6.Sociapsm was only a decoy to attract the proletariat and intelpgentsia to the reapzation of a satanic ideal.社会主义只是引诱无产阶级和知识分子去实现撒殚理想的圈套而已。

7.who was the most radical leader of the women's movement. To her critics, Mrs. Gage was Satanic. . .谁是妇女运动最激动的领导人,对于她的批评都,盖琪是邪恶的。

8.Jezebel, having opened that door long ago, was now a woman totally infested with satanic evil.耶洗别那扇门早已大开,现在她整个人已被撒但的邪恶侵占了。

9.They have created a world governed by Satanic Rituals, dressed up to look innocent, so as to hide their evil intent.他们已经通过撒旦献祭创造了世界型的统治,看上去是无辜的,其实隐藏着他们的邪恶意图。

10.Many opposed them on repgious grounds, branding them Satanic; others saw them as deeply irrational and unbefitting of a modern miptary.许多人基于宗教的理由反对这些计划,谴责它们是撒旦;其他人把这些计划视为极无理性的产物,与现代化的军事格格不入。