


美式发音: [ˈstɪmjələnt] 英式发音: [ˈstɪmjʊlənt]




复数:stimulants  同义词反义词


n.stimulating substance,drug,alcohol,amphetamine,cocaine




1.兴奋剂a drug or substance that makes you feel more awake and gives you more energy

Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.咖啡和茶是轻度兴奋剂。

2.~ (to sth)有激励作用的事物an event or activity that encourages more activity



n.1.a substance that makes a part of your body work faster or better; a substance that makes you feel more awake when you eat it or drink it2.something that encourages something to happen, develop, or improve

1.兴奋剂 steroid 类固醇 stimulant 兴奋剂 dash 短跑 ...

2.刺激物 excitant 兴奋剂 stimulant 刺激物 decolourant 脱色剂 ...

3.刺激剂的医药分类法, 将音乐分为强心剂(tonic), 刺激剂(stimulant), 镇静剂( sedative), 催眠剂(narcotic) 四类, 依病患状况的不同而演...

4.作为兴奋剂 抗压力( Anitistress) 作为兴奋剂( Stimulant) 降低胆固醇( Lowers Cholesterol) ...

5.激励的刺激性的(Excitant使兴奋的)>使人兴奋的;激励的(Stimulant) 、恶心,作呕;晕船(Nausea)。

6.兴奋药 phenylethylamine 苯乙胺,来电,巧克力 Stimulant 兴奋药 Ephedrine 植物生物碱 …

7.激励物 smother v. 使透不过气,使窒息 stimulant n. 激励物;影响力 surrender v. 放弃;交出; …


1.ADHD is often partly treated with a stimulant (Ritapn), along with behaviour therapy.注意力不足过动症常常用兴奋剂(利他林)来治疗,同时伴以行为疗法。

2.If I love you, I am growing as a result of my love. You are a stimulant for me to become more fully what I might become.如果我爱你,我也会因为爱你而发展,你激励我成为更加完善的人。

3.As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts the flow of melatonin, the brain hormone that sends people into a sleep.作为一个兴奋剂,咖啡因打断了褪黑激素的流入,大脑激素使人们进入睡眠。

4.The main traditional uses for patchoup were as a tonic. Patchoup has also been used as a stimulant and as an antiseptic.广霍香精油主要的传统的用法是作一种滋补品。广霍香也被用作兴奋剂和防腐剂。

5.The martyr, when faced even by a death of bodily anguish and horror, finds in the very terror of his doom a strong stimulant and tonic.一个殉道者即使在面临死亡这种可怕的肉体痛苦时也能从他恐怖的厄运中找到莫大的鼓舞与安慰。

6.The third chapter compares the similarities and differences of his poetry and drama in the matter of stimulant between scenes and emotion.第三章从情景相生方面比较其诗歌戏剧创作中的相同之处和异同之点。

7.You are a stimulant for me to become more fully what I might become, and my loving enhances your being as well.你将是激励我更加充实自己的动力,我的爱也会使你不断完善提高。

8.The analysis found a significant association between sudden unexplained death and the use of a stimulant at the time of death.研究分析发现死时在原因不明的猝死和兴奋剂的使用上存在显著相关。

9.The foreign trade which developed as a result of the treaties was a stimulant and a tonic and a blood transfusion.条约签订之后的外贸发展有如一针兴奋剂、一帖补药以及一次大换血。

10.Betel Nut, Papua New Guinea. The Areca nut is chewed with the Betel leaf to produce a mild stimulant. Side effects include red teeth.产自新几内亚的巴布亚岛,槟榔的果实和槟椰子的叶子放在一起嚼,产生轻微的镇定作用。副作用是导致牙齿变红。