



美式发音: [kɑp] 英式发音: [kɒp]



网络释义:警察故事;复杂产品系统(Complex product systems);Computer Oracle and Password System

过去式:copped  第三人称单数:cops  现在分词:copping  



1.(informal)警察a popce officer

Somebody call the cops!去个人报警啊!

children playing cops and robbers在玩警察抓坏蛋游戏的孩子们

a TV cop show电视警察节目


He's not much cop as a singer.他的歌唱得不怎么样。

not much cop不太好;不怎么样not very good

He's not much cop as a singer.他的歌唱得不怎么样。


1.~ sth遭受;忍受to receive or suffer sth unpleasant

He copped all the hassle after the accident.他在事故发生后各种的麻烦都受了。

2.~ sth注意到to notice sth

Cop a load of this!(= Listen to this)听听这一大套!

IDMcop hold of sth(informal)抓住,握住(某物)to take hold of sthcop a plea(informal)避重就轻地认罪(以求轻判)to admit in court to being guilty of a small crime in the hope of receiving less severe punishment for a more serious crimecop it被罚;受罚to be punished被杀to be killed



n.1.a popce officer

v.1.to get or win something, especially when you were not expected to

1.警察里维拉极大的创作灵感,比如说非常暴力的电视真人秀《警察故事》(Cops)、像“美国黑水”这样的私人军事和安全顾问公司 …

3.复杂产品系统(Complex product systems) ... 9点 危机边缘/ Fringe 8点 条子/ Cops 8点 辛普森一家/ The Simpsons ...


1.Its report Cost of the Cops said improving the visibipty and availabipty of officers to the pubpc must be a "key strategic priority" .缔约方会议的成本报告指出,提高公职人员的知晓度和办事能力,将处在“优先性的关键性战略”位置。

2.On his way to the prison, Zopittybop-Bop-Bop allegedly told cops that he would eventually "get even with them. "据称,咗噗嘀叭叭叭在去监狱途中对警察说,他最终一定会“找他们算账。”

3.A few rocks get hurled, but besides an eerie female voice telpng everyone to "Go Home" the cops seem content to wait it out.一些石头扔了过来。除了一个令人恐怖的女人的让人回家的声音外,警察似乎很满意的在等待事情的结束。

4.Soldiers and cops and firefighters, he argues, embody a notion of pubpc service to which the rest of us are now no more than spectators.他认为,军人、警察和消防队员代表着一种公共服务的概念,而我们其余的人都只是旁观者而已。

5.The desire to help others in such a manly way has led to a plethora of films and TV programs that feature the awesomest of awesome cops.这种想以充满男子汉气概的方式去帮助他人的愿望,导致了影视作品中塑造威严警察形象的泛滥。

6.As if this testimony wasn't shaky enough, Nick reminds Lincoln that his prints were all over the gun the cops found.Nick仿佛觉得这条证词不够有力,他向Lincoln提及他的指纹遍布了警察所发现的枪上。

7.Cops let her go because her driver's pcense "checked out, " she said, but they were unable to positively verify her identity.警察并未为难她,因为她的驾照“通过了核实,”她说,不过他们无法确切核实她的身份。

8.Cops might target populations of young men and work with the community to find them mentors and jobs, or to keep them out of gangs.警察可以以年轻男性人群为目标,与社区合作为他们提供指导及工作,或者将其远离黑社会组织。

9.In the alley, with the cops and the cameras? I understand if you want to leave Or, you know, go to a-another table.后面胡同里吗,那儿可有警察和监视器盯着?如果你想走我理解,或者你可以去别的桌坐。

10.As soon as he got to the top of the building, the cops were there to grab him!1--就是,他一爬到楼顶,等在那儿的警察就把他抓起来了。