




1.标准输出5 Item10 输出操作符<<用来将一个值导向到标准输出(cout)或标准错误(cerr)。-Page 15 Item11 iostream也支持文件的输入和 …

2.输出流 void bookdata 图书库维护 default:cout 输入错误,请从新输入:"; int tag;// 读者编号 ...

7.色度信号输出 k 13 DC 偏置端 5. 1 950 1. 5 k 14 COUT 色度信号输出 7. 5 950 1. 5 k 15 SYSTEM ID 制式识别输出 0 1 ...


1.cout ostream object used to write to the standard output. Ordinarily used to write the output of a program.用于写入到标准输出的ostream对象,一般情况下用于程序的输出。

2.If you have ever worked with the two console streams "cin" and "cout, " then this will become a breeze for you.如果你用过标准控制台流“cin”和“cout,”那现在的事情对你来说很简单。

3.For those of you that don't know "cout" for console output, then here's an example.对不了解控制台输出“cout”的人,这里有个例子。

4.Now to output to the file, it works exactly pke how you would output to "cout. "现在就输出到文件,看起来和“cout”的操作很像。

5.This special code is explained in detail when scout is discussed on Day 17.这个特殊符将在第17章讨论cout时详细解释。

6.My cout and my umbrella please.请把我的上衣和伞给我。

7.here is yuor umbrella and yuor cout.这是你的伞和你的上衣。

8.Next, add the following pnes in the code for the second process ( Listing 4) just after std: : cout, and rebuild the code接下来,在第二个进程的代码(清单4)中std::cout后面添加以下代码并重新构建代码