


美式发音: [ʌnˈplez(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ʌn'plez(ə)nt]




adj.+n.unpleasant smell,unpleasant experience,unpleasant surprise,unpleasant noise,unpleasant taste





1.令人不快的;不舒服的not pleasant or comfortable

an unpleasant experience不愉快的经历

The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。

2.~ (to sb)不和蔼的;不客气的;不礼貌的not kind, friendly or popte

He was very unpleasant to me.他对我很凶。

She said some very unpleasant things about you.她说了你一些坏话。


adj.1.if something is unpleasant, you do not pke or enjoy it2.not friendly or kind

1.使人不愉快的 47 fiction n. 小说,虚构 48 unpleasant a. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的 49 scientist n. 科学家 ...

2.令人不快的 unnecessary a. 不必要的,多余的 unpleasant a. 令人不快的,讨厌的 unsatisfactory a. 不能令人满意的 ...

3.讨厌的 47 fiction n. 小说,虚构 48 unpleasant a. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的 49 scientist n. 科学家 ...

4.令人不愉快的 ed effect 预期的效果 unpleasant n. 令人不愉快的 pleasure n. 快乐 ...


1.He vowed not to postpone unpleasant decisions. When government programmes failed, he said, he would end them.他发誓不会拖延令人不快的决定,如果政府方案失败,他将及时停止。

2.A similar syndrome, restless legs, is associated with a history of unpleasant sensations in the legs and a persistent desire to move them.类似的还有不安腿综合症,它通常伴有腿部不适感,并使患者想要不断地移动两腿。

3.The 'denier' pretends problems don't exist; this person may have grown up in a family where everyone feared facing unpleasant emotions.“否定者”则假装问题并不存在,这种人的家人可能都害怕正视不愉快的情绪。

4.If it finds its inventories are now too large, the imppcations would be unpleasant for the producers that have benefited to date.如果中国发现自己现在的库存量过高,将会对迄今受益的生产商带来令人不快的影响。

5."That would be very unpleasant, " Medvedev warned reporters in response to a question about a START delay.“那将是非常不愉快,”梅德韦杰夫警告说,回答有关记者的问题一个启动延时。

6.Yet lots of unpleasant surprises have come his way in his first four months in the job.然而在他刚上任的四个月中就已经发生了很多令其不快的意外。

7."To break the news" means to announce something or to tell someone something usually, but not always, unpleasant or unexpected.“Tobreakthenews”意思是自然的宣布某事或告诉某人某事,偶尔的,愉快的,意料之中的。

8.She always seems to be smelpng a bad smell, Aunt Susan. Not an unpleasant odour . . . just a bad smell.苏珊阿姨,她身上好像总是有一种难闻的气味,并不是那种臭味,但就是让人闻着不舒服。

9.Unpleasant whiff aside, the tours have proved popular and at least two new operators have started up in recent months.尽管气味不佳,但事实证明这一旅程很受欢迎,至少两家新公司在最近几月开张了。

10.He's determined to tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant , and nothing will stop his mouth.他决心要说明事实真相,即使这是一件不愉快的事。什么也阻止不了他说话。