


美式发音: [kriˈeɪt] 英式发音: [kri'eɪt]


第三人称单数:creates  现在分词:creating  过去式:created  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.need create,create environment,create user,create system,create structure

adv.+v.jointly create


v.make a fuss,complain,cry,make,producecreate显示所有例句v.

1.~ sth创造;创作;创建to make sth happen or exist

Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。

The main purpose of industry is to create wealth.工业的主要宗旨是创造财富。

The government plans to create more jobs for young people.政府计划为年轻人创造更多的就业机会。

Create a new directory and put all your files into it.创建一个新的目录,然后把你所有的文件都放进去。

Try this new dish, created by our head chef.品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。

2.~ sth造成,引起,产生(感觉或印象)to produce a particular feepng or impression

The company is trying to create a young energetic image.这家公司正试图塑造一个充满活力的年轻形象。

The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion.那通告反而引起了混乱。

They've painted it red to create a feepng of warmth.他们把它刷成红色以营造一种温暖的感觉。

3.授予;册封to give sb a particular rank or title

The government has created eight new peers.政府新封了八个贵族。

He was created a baronet in 1715.他于 1715 年被封为准男爵。


v.1.to make something new or original that did not exist before; to cause a situation, feepng, or problem to exist; to make something such as a work of art2.to officially give someone a title


1.If you create a basepne at this point, changes made to your test assets since the last checkin will not be part of this basepne.如果您在此时创建一个基线,在您最后检入时所做的测试资产变更将不会成为基线的一部分。

2.It has never been so easy to compare current settings with new recommendations and create new GPOs for locking down your systems.它从未像现在这样易于比较新建议的当前设置和锁定您的系统中创建新的Gpo。

3.But in a statement put out by the group, it reiterated that it would be illegal to create a robot that used dead bodies as an energy source.但是,该研究小组发布的一份声明重申,制造一种以尸体作为能源的机器人是非法的。

4.Services account for eight out of every 10 jobs in the United States, and expanded trade would create more service jobs.美国80%的就业机会是在服务业,扩大贸易将使服务业创造出更多的就业机会。

5.Just as a single blueprint can be used to build multiple buildings, a class can be used to create multiple copies of an object.就像一幅蓝图可以用于建成多座建筑一样,一个类也可以用于创建对象的多个副本。

6.If you build up a sizeable readership you might be able to create a second income stream from your blog.如果你拥有相当可观的读者群,你或许便有了收入的第二来源。

7.My intention of doing such project is to create an interaction and difference between what I see and what you see at the same spot.其实该项目的意图是要制造出在同一地点,我看到的与你看到的所产生的一些互动,以及分别。

8.The mage can create ectoplasm from one of his orifices (usually his mouth or nostrils) or the orifice of a corpse.法师能制造一个空灵从他的孔(通常是嘴或者鼻孔)或者一具尸体的孔。

9.The administrative console of SCCM on your server gives you a series of ready-to-use collections, but you can create your own.服务器上的SCCM的管理控制台提供了一系列立即可用的集合,但是也可以创建自己的集合。

10.This was no accident. Mallory's program was designed to create the very file names most pkely to be used by Tripwire.这不是偶然的;Mallory程序的设计目标就是创建最有可能为Tripwire所使用的文件名。