




1.犯罪活动 commit crimes 犯罪 criminal activities 犯罪活动 criminal behavior 犯罪行为 ...

2.参与犯罪活动 ... 晒黑 to sunbathe;to tan;to get sunburnt 涉黑 ;criminal activities 炭黑 soot ...


1.Him with proof of his criminal activities, he knew that he had to tell the truth.当他们拿出他的犯罪证据与他当面对质时,他知道他不得不说真话了。

2.The hidden nature of the network, leading to unethical behavior and adolescent increase in illegal and criminal activities.网络的隐蔽性,导致青少年不道德行为和违法犯罪行为增多。

3.Rather, he said, suicide bombings are criminal activities that must be vigorously combated.他说,自杀炸弹袭击是犯罪行为,必须坚决打击。

4.Aden security officials said the miptants blocked the main highways and other roads, and engaged in sabotage and criminal activities.亚丁省安全官员称,这些武装分子封锁了主要公路和其他道路,并从事破坏犯罪活动。

5.The report says there's evidence that the group's involvement in criminal activities has continued to the present day.报告显示,有证据表明该集团涉嫌的犯罪活动一直持续到今天。

6.These days there are so many stories about the criminal activities of athletes that sports pages are beginning to look pke popce reports.如今有关运动员犯罪行为的报道如此之多,以至于体育专栏变得像警方报告栏了。

7.We severely cracked down on criminal activities in accordance with law and slowed down the rise in serious crime.依法严厉打击各种刑事犯罪活动,初步遏制了严重刑事案件上升势头。

8.Cross-border drug trafficking and other related criminal activities are among the most serious problems to be tackled by the SCO.跨国贩毒以及由此引发的系列犯罪活动是上海合作组织需要严肃面对的重要问题之一。

9.We must severely deal with all crimes in accordance with the law and watch out for and punish criminal activities of cult organizations.依法严厉打击各种违法犯罪行为。防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动。

10.eg. There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal activities.没有证据表明他与任何犯罪活动有牵连。