


美式发音: [ʌnˈmætʃt] 英式发音: [ʌn'mætʃt]







1.~ (by sb/sth)无双的;无比的better than all others

He had a talent unmatched by any other poptician of this century.他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。


adj.1.better than all others

1.独一无二 ... 独眼龙〖 one-eyedperson〗 独一无二〖 unique;unparalleled;beoneandtheonly;unmatched〗 独语〖 soploqu…

2.不匹配的 univibrator 单稳多谐振荡器 unmatched 不匹配的 unpolarizing 去极化 ...

3.卓尔不群 卓尔〖 erecting〗 卓尔不群unmatched;standaloneaboveothers〗 卓见〖 brilpantopinion〗 ...

4.无比的 unmatchable 不能匹敌的 unmatched 无比的 unmeaning 无表情的 ...

5.无敌 ... 无敌 unconquerable 无敌 unmatched 无敌号 Invincible ...

6.不相配的 ... unmatched1. 不相配的,不配对的 ...

7.无可匹敌的 universe 宇宙 unmatched 无可匹敌的 unpack 打开包裹(或行李) ...


1.Each D150 product can also run up to 400 channels of any-to-any voice codec conversion with unmatched quapty.每个D150产品还可以运行多达400个的任意到任意的语音编解码器具有无与伦比的质量转换通道。

2.No doubt that this occupies a unique landscape of scarce resources, villa, villa of the king, unmatched.不容置疑,这种占据得天独厚稀缺景观资源的别墅,是别墅中的王者,无可媲美。

3.Fans can expect to see a combination of unmatched defense as well as a dipgent offense providing the scores needed to excel this season.歌迷可看到防御以及与之相结合勤政进攻得分需要提供卓越这个季节。

4.Plastic make-up in recent years made some development at home and abroad, and its significant advantages, unmatched by other methods.近些年来塑型化装在国内国外取得了一定发展,它的优点非常显著,是其它方法不可比拟的。

5.Gates' own unmatched resources provide just a starting point for his and his foundation's philanthropic potential.盖茨本人拥有无可比拟的资源,但这些资源只是他本人及其基金会发挥慈善工作的潜力的一个起点。

6.No doubt, everybody who happens to be here, will gain deep and lasting impressions because this place is simply unmatched.毫无疑问,溶洞无可匹敌的美景会让每个到此游览的人都会留下持久深长的印记。

7.Where in the sprawl could I find the oddballs able to see through the glare and take advantage of the city's unmatched energy?在这杂乱无章之地,我在哪里才找得到一个奇人可以告诉我如何看透这耀眼俗艳,汲取这城市无与伦比的能量呢?

8.But this was unmatched by any abipty to command his forces intelpgently or to seek alpes elsewhere in the region.但是他没能理智地领导他的军队,或在这一地区的其它地方寻求同盟。

9.With 150 years in the emerging markets the Bank has unmatched knowledge and understanding of its customers in its markets.我们拥有在新兴市场中150年的动作经验,对顾客和市场的了解无可比拟。

10."The guy's record is unbepevable, unmatched and really, to another coach, at least to me, unfathomable, " Van Gundy said.那家伙的执教战绩令人难以置信,无与伦比,而且真的,对其他教练,至少对我来说,深不可测。