


美式发音: [ˈwɪnsəm] 英式发音: [ˈwɪns(ə)m]







1.讨人喜欢的;惹人喜爱的;楚楚动人的pleasant and attractive

a winsome smile莞尔一笑


adj.1.with an attractive appearance or manner

1.迷人的 svelte :adj. 苗条的, 体态娇美的 35。 winsome :adj. 迷人的 36。 sprightly :adj. 轻快的 37。 ...

2.媚人的 (noi 臭+ ) winsome a 媚人的;漂亮的 (mir 快乐+ ...

3.可爱的 elegant 雅致的;漂亮的 winsome 吸引人的;可爱的 shapely 样子好的;匀称的 ...

4.威胜 (noi 臭+ ) winsome a 媚人的;漂亮的 (mir 快乐+ ...

6.引人注目的 foolproof 极简单的 winsome 引人注目的 fulsome 令人生厌的 ...

7.使人愉快的 windfall 意外的收获 winsome 使人愉快的,迷人的 wistfull 渴望的,愁闷的 ...


1.Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childpke look, and winsome fanciful ways, and shy tremulous grace.当他回想起她那稚气的面容、迷人的万种媚态和腼腆怯懦的柔雅风度时,泪水涌上了他的眼睛。

2.Just then she opened her eyes and gave him a winsome smile.正好那时她睁开眼睛给了她一个动人的微笑。

3.The sentry post monitoring result also showed the dark winsome AIDS virus infection percentage assumes the growth the tendency.哨点监测结果也显示出暗娟艾滋病病毒感染率呈增长的趋势。

4.The manager looked at his lovely prize, so beautiful, so winsome, so difficult to be won, and made strange resolutions.经理看着他可爱的情人,那么美丽,那么迷人,又那么难以到手,他就下了荒唐的决心。

5.Roses in night embalms ashes of memory; lonely coffee cup is tearing with no sense of being disturbed by winsome breeze.夜的玫瑰芬芳着记忆的灰,独独的咖啡杯对着夜光垂泪,不愿意被撩人的夜风吹。

6."The government will support the market, " says a young man with a wispy beard and a winsome look.一名留着小胡子、模样可爱的年轻人说:“政府会托市的。”

7.Looking into future, Winsome will go on to pursue first-class service and to create greater value for new and old customers.展望未来,盈鑫美将一如既往,精益求精以一流的服务为新老客户创造更大的的价值。

8.Winsome is as vigorous as the rising sun on the sea and has strong wills and resolves!盈鑫美就像大海初升起的太阳,显得朝气蓬勃,富有坚强的意志和理念!

9.One hundred fifty-seven pages in length, the book is so winsome that it is easy to read in a single sitting.一百五十七页的长度,这本书极惹人喜爱,很容易坐下来一口气读完。

10.Taxi driver Qiao Hui winsome driving close Zhou Yingzhu, the week everywhere looks after to her.出租车司机乔惠娟主动接近周迎竹,周对她处处照顾。