


美式发音: 英式发音: [kjʊ'kɜːbɪt]






n.1.a climbing or trailing plant of the gourd family with large, fleshy, tough-skinned or hard-skinned fruits, e.g. the cucumber, watermelon, or squash.

1.葫芦 cud 反刍的食物 cucurbit [植]葫芦 cucurbitaceous [植]葫芦科的 ...

2.瓜类 瓜角矽藻 Chaetoceras denticulatum Lauder 瓜类 cucurbit ...

3.瓜类作物 ... ) melon germplasm 瓜类种质 ) Cucurbit 瓜类作物 ...


1.Injurying seed coats, phytohormone treatments and chemical treatments can be used to break down dormancy of cucurbit seeds.破除瓜类蔬菜种子休眠的技术有机械损伤种皮、植物激素处理和化学药剂处理。

2.Cucurbit corps is one of the important economic crops in Xinjiang.瓜类作物是新疆重要的经济作物之一。

3.Dormancy of cucurbit seeds results from embryo dormancy, seed coat barrier, germination inhibiting substance and phytohormone imbalance.瓜类蔬菜种子休眠的原因有胚休眠、种皮的障碍、发芽抑制物质的存在和激素不平衡等几个方面。

4.The peak look like a cucurbit as it is exposed to weathering and eroding .山峰遭受风化剥蚀后因外形如葫芦而得名。

5.from guangdong , to be adept in flute , sax and chinese cucurbit flute , like pc music.来自广东,擅长长笛萨克斯和葫芦丝,爱好电脑音乐。

6.Progress of ploidy determination and chromosome doubling in cucurbit crops are also reviewed.总结了近年来所采用的瓜类作物染色体倍性鉴定方法和加倍技术;

7.The experimental results reveal that the solubility of cucurbit[8]uril is influenced by concentrations of transition metal ions.实验结果表明过渡金属离子对八元瓜环的溶解性有影响。

8.Ba Wu and Cucurbit flute are of wind instruments , all traceable from the region of minority in Yunnan.巴乌和葫芦丝都是发源于云南少数民族地区的吹管乐器。

9.In recent years, The Cucurbit crop production in Xinjiang has been directly hurted by the spread of the virus diseases.近年来,病毒病的发生和危害直接威胁着新疆瓜类作物的生产和发展。

10.from ling bao , to be good at flute and cucurbit flute.来自灵宝市,擅长长笛葫芦丝。