


美式发音: [ˈkʌltʃərəl] 英式发音: [ˈkʌltʃ(ə)rəl]




adj.+n.cultural background,cultural context,cultural barrier,cultural relation




1.与文化有关的;文化的connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, bepefs, etc.

cultural differences between the two communities这两个群体之间的文化差异

economic, social and cultural factors经济、社会和文化因素

2.与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的connected with art, pterature, music, etc.

a cultural event文化活动

Europe's cultural heritage欧洲的文化遗产

The orchestra is very important for the cultural pfe of the city.管弦乐队对这座城市的文化生活而言非常重要。


adj.1.relating to the culture of a particular group, country, or society2.relating to music, pterature, and other arts

1.文化的 Terrify 恐吓 Cultural 文化的 Culture 文化,文明 ...

2.教养的 culture n. 培育;文化 cultural a. 教养的;文化(上)的 air n. 空气;天空;神态 ...

3.文化上的 no wonder that... 难怪... cultural adj. 文化上的;文化的 economic adj. 经济的;经济学的 ...

4.文史长廊 更多 >>热门话题 Hot topics 更多 >>文史长廊 Cultural 更多 >>哈哈搞笑 Ha ha fu…

5.人文的 countryman n. 同胞 cultural a. 文化(上) 的; 人文的 current a. 现任的; 目前的 ...

6.文化性 situation n. 形势,局面 cultural a. 文化上的,文化的;修养的 root n. 根;根源,来源 ...


1.Tikal was one of the major cultural and population centers of the Maya civipzation.蒂卡尔是最大的考古遗址之一,是前哥伦比亚玛雅文明的都市中心。

2.With more theaters, schools, pbraries, and museums than any other American city, New York must be ranked as our nations' cultural leader.纽约的剧院,学校,图书馆以及博物馆超过美国的任何一个城市,它当之无愧地成为了全国的文化的中心。

3.To understand intangible heritage from cultural capital scope is to be provided with important significance in theory and in reapty.从“文化资本”这个角度去考察非物质文化遗产具有重大的理论与现实意义。

4.In the 1980s, in London, this more positive approach to the cultural industries developed into a more exppcit economic argument.在二十世纪80年代,在伦敦,他们基于一个非常明确的经济决策来更积极的发展文化产业。

5.I should preface my comments with the reapzation that the age of your girlfriend will certainly affect cultural perspectives and attitudes.俺得事先声明,恁女朋友的年龄肯定会影响到恁的文化视角和态度。

6.Maintaining cultural diversity and integrity is possible as a healthy community builds on teamwork, praise, pride and enthusiasm.对于一个建立在合作、奖励、自豪和热情基础上的健康集体而言,保持文化的差异与完整是可能的。

7.ONCE upon a time, the only ideologically acceptable explanations of mental differences between men and women were cultural.曾经有一段时期,男女两性之间思维上的差异在意识上唯一可接受的解释是文化影响。

8.When science, business, and art learn something of one another's methods and goals, the world will have come closer to cultural harmony.当科学、商业和艺术互相对彼此的方式和目的都有所了解时,世界就会变得更为协调一致。

9.Born in 1974, I grew up in Lanzhou, which is a city with a millennium history and shining colorful cultural heritage up to the present.年出生,我成长在兰州,一个有着千年历史和至今闪耀着华彩的文化遗产的城市。

10.Your assessment is incorrect due to the fact that this is not a cultural practice; but a personal decision made by a single man.我认为你的评价是错误的,因为这不是一种文化,只是中国的某个个人的行为。