


美式发音: [dʊˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [djʊˈreɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:durations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.short duration,long duration,average duration,median duration

v.+n.shorten duration




1.持续时间;期间the length of time that sth lasts or continues

The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war.战争期间这所学校用作医院。

a contract of three years' duration三年期的合同

IDMfor the duration(informal)直到…结束;在整个…期间until the end of a particular situation


n.1.the period of time during which something continues to happen or exist

1.持续时间 durable a 持久的 duration n 持续时间 endure v 持久,耐久 ...

2.期间 在 过程中 in the course of 在 期间 Duration 在不抵触合同的情况下 subject to a contract ...

3.存续期间 durable a. 耐用的,持久的 duration n. 持续,持续期间 dusk n. 黄昏,薄暮 ...

5.久期 dumb a. 哑的;无言的,沉默的 duration n. 持续,持久 debate n.&v. 争论,辩论 ...


1.Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone; you can also mark any other task of any duration as a milestone.任何工期为零的任务都自动显示为里程碑,也可以将具有任意工期的其他任务标记为里程碑。

2.Their duration in Hellfire, is in the hands of the Almighty. It is up to Him to forgive them and allow them to enter Jannah later.他们在火狱中居住的时间,是由全能的安拉掌握的,安拉决定是否饶恕他们再让他们进天堂。

3.So that it's happened twice in a week, albeit with a pmited duration and geography, indicates gaps.但这次却是一周内出现了两次故障,尽管持续时间和受影响地区有限,但也暴露出了差距。

4.Even someone who knows nothing about StarCraft can be brought up to relative speed within the duration of a quick 3-4 minute explanation.即便是一个对星际一无所知的人,通过3-4分钟的解说和观看也能对星际达到相当程度的了解。

5.As the script posts back to itself continuously over the duration of the quiz, we could say that it has many states.由于这种代码在测试期间不断的往回传递信息给自身,可以说这种代码有多种状态。

6.The incapacity to deal with something makes of it a problem with duration, and gives it pfe.没能力解决某件事情,就让它成为了一个持续的问题,并赋予了它生命力。

7.He thought Lora distinctive and agreed with him donation some of the dividend to the dystrophy dweller nearby as the duration drought.他以为劳拉是与众不同的并且能够同意他把红利的一部分捐赠给附近因为持续的干旱而营养不良的居民。

8.Think about that for a second: when horses stiffen and resist, their musculature becomes paralyzed for the duration of that resistance.想一秒钟:当马僵硬抗拒,他们的肌肉组织在抗拒过程中变得不能行动自如。

9.The notification is to be followed by the presentation of relevant documents, confirming the fact and the duration of these circumstances.该通知是由有关文件提交后,确认的事实和这些情况的持续时间。

10.What was the duration of the earthquake? Why don't you report the duration of each earthquake? How does the duration affect the magnitude?地震的持续时间是指什么?为什么不报道每次地震的持续时间?持续时间如何影响震级?