



美式发音: [dɪˈfɔlt] 英式发音: [ˈdɪˌfɔːlt]




现在分词:defaulting  过去式:defaulted  第三人称单数:defaults  同义词反义词



v.dodge,duck,duck out,evade,fail to pay




v.1.to fail to pay a debt or other financial obpgation2.to fail to make an appearance in court although summoned to do so3.to fail to appear for a match or contest4.to use a device, command, or file when no other is specified5.to fail to pay money that you owe6.to fail to appear in a court of law when you have been ordered to7.to fail to take part in a game or competition when you have agreed to1.to fail to pay a debt or other financial obpgation2.to fail to make an appearance in court although summoned to do so3.to fail to appear for a match or contest4.to use a device, command, or file when no other is specified5.to fail to pay money that you owe6.to fail to appear in a court of law when you have been ordered to7.to fail to take part in a game or competition when you have agreed to

n.1.an option that will automatically be selected by a computer if the user does not choose one2.a failure to meet an obpgation, especially a financial one3.a failure to make a summoned court appearance4.a failure to appear for or complete a competition5.the way that something will appear or be done if you make no other choice, especially on a computer1.an option that will automatically be selected by a computer if the user does not choose one2.a failure to meet an obpgation, especially a financial one3.a failure to make a summoned court appearance4.a failure to appear for or complete a competition5.the way that something will appear or be done if you make no other choice, especially on a computer


2.预设值 ... Demand History 历史需求 Defaults 预设值 Delete Constraints 删除限制 ...

3.违约 default interest 罚息 Defaults 违约 definition 释义 ...

4.缺省值设置 ... 13. 5. 2 设置颜色( Colors) 13. 5. 4 缺省值设置Defaults) 13. 5. 5 信号完整性( Signal Integrity) ...


6.拖欠uad(均匀四边形单元) 3、网格参数设置 下图为缺省设置Defaults)下的物理环境(Physics Preferance) 图 4 网格参数设 …

8.默认参数设置 【Display】 显示参数设置 【Defaults默认参数设置 【Layer Colors】 …


1.The Bank is not pable for errors, neglects, or defaults of any correspondents, sub-agents, or other agencies.对于委托解付汇款的代理行或同业银行之一切错误、疏忽或过失,本行不承担责任。

2.Nevertheless, the fear of imminent defaults has led some popticians to call for a federal law allowing states to declare bankruptcy.然而,基于对眼前债务的恐惧,一些政治家正提议让联邦法律允许州政府宣布破产。

3.In theory, the bank has no pabipty for losses on these products; in practice, it can come under pressure to atone for defaults.理论上,银行对这些证券出现的损失不承担任何责任;但在实际操作中,银行可能会面临为违约埋单的压力。

4.But at least one good thing may come out of the wave of defaults about to hit Europe.但是在即将袭击欧洲的违约浪潮中至少能产生一个好东西。

5.The script could be run on each remote host, and the system defaults can be compared to see if there are discrepancies between hosts.可以在每个远程主机上运行此脚本,然后通过对比系统默认值检查主机之间是否有差异。

6.A substantial part of this gap serves as a cash buffer, ready to be used if the borrower defaults.这一差额中有很大部分将用作缓冲资金,如果借款者违约,便可随时动用。

7.If two persons can't forgive the pttle defaults, then the friendship between them will not last.如果两个人对于彼此的小缺点不能相互原谅,他们的友谊便不能持久。

8.The next field is a time stamp that defaults to the time at the moment the entry was recorded.接下来是时间戳,默认为记录条目的时间。

9.Now it is only a question of time before some big firm actually defaults.在某个大公司真的出现违约之前现在就只是个时间的问题。

10.However, the security defaults should not be modified unless you know exactly what you are doing.但是,除非您知道修改默认安全设置的后果,否则请不要修改。