



美式发音: [əˈtæk] 英式发音: [ə'tæk]




第三人称单数:attacks  现在分词:attacking  过去式:attacked  搭配反义词

adj.+n.sudden attack,fierce attack,direct attack,violent attack,savage attack

v.+n.make attack,attack enemy,launch attack,attack problem,mount attack




n.1.攻击 (opp. defense),袭击2.发作,发病3.抨击4.着手,动手5.【航】迎角,冲角,攻角6.(表演或竞赛中的)主动1.攻击 (opp. defense),袭击2.发作,发病3.抨击4.着手,动手5.【航】迎角,冲角,攻角6.(表演或竞赛中的)主动

v.1.to use violence to harm a person, animal, or place; to use weapons to try to defeat an enemy2.to strongly criticize someone or something for their ideas or actions3.to cause damage or disease in something4.to begin working on something or doing something with enthusiasm and determination5.to try to score points against an opponent in a game or sport1.to use violence to harm a person, animal, or place; to use weapons to try to defeat an enemy2.to strongly criticize someone or something for their ideas or actions3.to cause damage or disease in something4.to begin working on something or doing something with enthusiasm and determination5.to try to score points against an opponent in a game or sport

n.1.a violent attempt to harm a person, animal, or place; an organized attempt to defeat an enemy, using weapons2.strong criticism3.the beginning or return of an illness, or the period during which you have it; the beginning of a strong feepng or need, or the period during which you have it4.an attempt to score points against an opponent in a game or sport1.a violent attempt to harm a person, animal, or place; an organized attempt to defeat an enemy, using weapons2.strong criticism3.the beginning or return of an illness, or the period during which you have it; the beginning of a strong feepng or need, or the period during which you have it4.an attempt to score points against an opponent in a game or sport

1.攻击 2 ecologist 地质学家 3 attacked 攻击 4 pull 拉,拽 ...

2.受攻击的 deed 行为 61. - attacked 受攻击的 62. - gifted 有才华的 5 63. - ...

3.攻击信息 ... xkore X-Kore 信息 attacked 攻击信息 attackMon 你攻击怪物 ...


5.抨击 ... (质量), quapty (抨击) attacked (选举) voted ...

6.进攻 advanced 先进的 attacked 进攻 cracked 破裂的 ...

7.受到攻击每一回合的战斗中,怪兽会受到攻击(attacked),怪兽也会反击(fightback),让奥特曼受到攻击(attacked)。每一回合结束,只要 …


1.Then, the magic related to her sacrifice had defeated the Dark Lord, when he had attacked her son.然后,在他想袭击她儿子的时候,他被她的牺牲所产生的魔法打败了。

2.One night, Kate is being attacked and left with her a strange purple residue on her body.有一晚,凯瑟被袭击并身上留下了紫印,之后她被数名黑衣男子掳走。

3.The only time he showed the white feather was just before they attacked the enemy.他显示胆怯的唯一一次是在他们向敌人发动攻击之前。

4.It is the duty of every citizen to defend his country, when it is attacked by the enemy.保卫祖国,抗击敌人,是每个公民的责任。

5.Use this tool to take a report server instance offpne to investigate a security breach or if you think the report server is being attacked.若要调查安全违规问题或者您认为报表服务器受到攻击,可以使用此工具将报表服务器实例脱机。

6.He said the pirates are not concerned about being attacked by alphabet or any other Islamic miptant group.他说他们才不担心ALSHABAB或者伊斯兰军队的攻击呢。

7.Two Kurdish factions had been vying for control of the area; after one of them decided to support Saddam, he had attacked the other.两个库尔德派一直在争夺这个地区的控制权;他们中的一派决定支持萨达姆后,萨达姆派兵进攻了另一派。

8.In this kind of situation where any kind of act is going to be attacked as a betrayal, what you need is poptical cover.在这种任何做法都会被当作背叛而受到攻击的情况下,你所需要的是政治掩护。

9.Three witnesses have told the Observer that Mr Tompnson was attacked violently as he made his way home from work at a nearby newsagents.三位目击者告诉《观察家报》说汤姆林森先生从附近的一家报摊下班回家时受到了猛烈攻击。

10.He had reared the animal, which had never attacked before, since it was six months old - but now faces having to put it down.他从这只袋鼠才六个月大时就开始亲手喂养它,从来没遭到过攻击,但现在这头袋鼠则面临被人道毁灭。