


美式发音: [ˈrʌnɪŋ] 英式发音: ['rʌnɪŋ]


adj.(置于数字和 year、day 或 time 等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续




adj.+n.smooth running

v.+n.consider running,begin running

adv.in a row,consecutively,successively,on the trot,in succession




1.跑;跑步(运动)the action or sport of running

to go running去跑步

running shoes跑鞋

2.管理;操纵;操作the activity of managing or operating sth

the day-to-day running of a business企业的日常运营

the running costs of a car(= for example of fuel, repairs, insurance)养车的费用

3.走私;偷运the activity of bringing sth such as drugs, guns, etc. into a country secretly and illegally


IDMin/out of the running (for sth)(informal)有(或没有)成功的机会;能(或不能)获得having some/no chance of succeeding or achieving sthmake the running(informal)领跑;带头;做榜样to set the speed at which sth is done; to take the lead in doing sthadj.

1.(置于数字和 year、day 或 time 等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续used after a number and a noun such as ‘year’ ‘day’ or ‘time’, to say that sth has happened in the same way several times, without a change

She's won the championship three years running.她已连续三年获得冠军。

It was the third day running that the train had been late.列车已经连续三天晚点了。

No party has won an election four times running.没有一个政党在选举中连续四次获胜。

2.(水)活的,流淌的,流动的running water is water that is flowing somewhere or water that is suppped to a building and available to be used through taps/faucets

I can hear the sound of running water.我听到流水的声音。

a remote cottage without electricity or running water没有电和自来水的偏僻村舍

3.[obn]持久的;连续不断的lasting a long time; continuous

For years he had fought a running battle with the authorities over the land.多年来,他为了那片土地同当局不断抗争。

a running argument持久的争论

His old raincoat became a running joke(= people kept laughing at it) .他那件旧雨衣一直被人取笑。

4.…地流动的running or flowing in the way mentioned

a fast-running river湍急的河流

IDM(go and) take a running jump(informal)滚开;走开used to tell sb in a rude way to go away




n.1.the activity of running for pleasure or as a sport; worn or used for running2.the management or organization of a business, home, or service

v.1.The present participle of run


2.跑步 健身 keep fit 跑步 running 慢跑 jogging ...

3.奔跑 Burning: 燃烧 Running: 奔跑 Yellow: 金黄 ...

4.运行状态 rump 臀部,臀 running 工作,运转 running voltage 工作电压 ...

6.正在运行 Sector:XX 扇区号 Running 正在运行 Cycpc reading to a sector 反复读取一个扇区 ...

7.跑,逃 Man In the Mirror 镜中人 Running 跑 , 逃 Sky Blue Pink 破晓时刻 ...


1.In the course of scrimmage, leading the ball the other team members must be consistent with the direction of running.在争球过程中,对方队员必须与领先抢球队员的跑动方向保持一致。

2.'I was in the middle of serving a customer so I was running around trying to do something and didn't take too much notice, to be honest.“我正在为一位顾客服务,跑来跑去地干这干那,确实没太在意。”

3.This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well.短缺的电力会需要依靠天然气发电站供应,而这些电站通常只是在供电高峰时用于应急。

4.FERNANDO TORRES has decided to quit Liverpool after running out of patience with the club's inabipty to produce a winning team.托雷斯在迟迟不见利物浦成为一只所向披靡的球队之后,终于耗尽了耐心决定退出利物浦。

5.The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.该设备的驱动程序可能已损坏,或者系统内存或其他资源不足。

6.Some of the training was a pttle bit of running out, catching a rolpng ball and throwing it.有些训练需要适量的跑动,扑球然后扔出去。

7.Because Debbie is a beginner, she tends to read and hear lots of information about running from multiple sources, which causes confusion.由于Debbie是一个新手,她迫切急于从很多渠道了解跑步的大量信息,这会让她感到疑惑。

8.Our concern was that he said he felt unstable when running.我们注意到他说自己跑步时感觉站立不稳。

9.It all started on that very morning, when everything started to run out of their ways pke a running wild, which can no longer be controled.一切都开始于那天早晨,当一切都脱离了轨道,如脱缰之马,再难控制。

10.And that is just a tiny bit of the stress and aggravation associated with running a business.这些生意上的压力和苦恼,还只不过是冰山一角而已。