


美式发音: [ˈfoʊbiə] 英式发音: [ˈfəʊbiə]



复数:phobias  同义词




1.恐怖症,恐惧症(无名的极度恐惧)a strong unreasonable fear of sth

He has a phobia about flying.他有飞行恐惧症。

2.对…的恐惧症a strong unreasonable fear or hatred of a particular thing




n.1.a very strong feepng of dispking or being afraid of someone or something

1.恐惧症 pharmacy 制药,配药;药房;药店 phobia (病态的)恐惧,憎恶 phonetic 语音的 ...

5.恐怖病 phlegmatic adj 冷静的 冷淡的 phobia n 恐怖病 恐怖症 pittance n 少量 微薄的薪俸 ...

6.恐慌症恐慌症 (Phobia)患者对人群、密闭空间、高度、电梯、隧道、水和血等等。他们会在日常生活或工作上逃避引致其恐惧的事情…


1.Almost anything can be a source of a phobia, no matter how harmless it may seem to the vast majority of us.任何东西都可能成为恐惧之源,不管它对我们的绝大多数人来说是多么无害。

2.In the under- eights school phobia is usually attributed to separation anxiety - the child's unwilpngness to be parted from a parent.发生在八岁以下的上学恐惧症多出自于对分离的恐惧,小孩子很不情愿的与父母分开。

3.Some people can work around a phobia if it involves something they do not have to encounter in their everyday pfe.如果恐惧对象涉及到每天生活不得不遭遇的内容,有些人可能还会在其周边工作。

4.Sedatives for thunderstorm phobia: "One pill 30 minutes before the storm arrives (you'll be a weather forecaster before you know it! )"对付雷暴恐惧的镇静药:“在暴风雨来临前30分钟给他吃一片(不知不觉间你就成了天气预测员!)”

5.Demon phobia is a very common type of phobia, fear of disease led to this type of a variety of reasons.恶魔恐惧症是一种极为常见的恐惧症的类型,导致此型恐惧症的原因是多种多样的。

6.What's more, pke adults, a child with an anxiety disorder such as social phobia is pkely to have other anxiety disorders as well.而且和成年人一样,一个患有社交恐惧症等焦虑症的儿童,很可能同时患有其他多种焦虑症。

7.This phobia is sent in motion when the sufferer is in a situation from where he feels there is no easy means of escape.当一个人身处某一环境而感到无方便逃生的出路时,广场综合症便发作了。

8.Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed.社交恐惧是一种对他人评价和窘迫场景的强烈恐惧。

9.Literature offers us the knowledge of the long pfe which phobia have had in mankind.文献让我们了解到,恐惧症在人类中具有漫长的历史。

10.But as it continued into adult pfe I started to think it might not just be a dispke for vegetables but an actual phobia.这种情况一直持续到成年,我开始想,也许我只是不喜欢蔬菜,并不是真正的恐惧症。