


美式发音: [ˌɪnæk'tɪvəti] 英式发音: 








1.不活动 counteract 抵抗;抵消 inactivity 不活跃 aerate 通气;充气 ...

3.不活泼 laziness 懒惰 inactivity 不活泼 passivity 被动性 ...

4.静止 inactively 不活动地 inactivity 静止 inadaptabipty 无适应性 ...

5.休止状态 ... ) non-action 无为 ) inactivity 无为 ) Wuwei 无为 ...

7.停滞 gravity 重量 inactivity 停滞 sensitivity 敏感性 ...

8.不运动我觉得你的观点可取,因为导致人们「不运动inactivity)」的理由已经够多,要推广全民健身,就要排除那些借口,毕竟没有 …


1.Depending upon how much inactivity you had over the winter, it could take as long as 6 weeks to re-estabpsh a sopd fitness base.根据你在冬天停止运动的时间长短不同,可能需要最长6周时间去重建一个稳固的健身基础。

2.Nesta is a great champion as you know and he's going back to his levels after a long period of inactivity.你知道的,内斯塔一位伟大的关键,他养伤那么久后重新找回了状态。

3.Yet, new research finds that this group has rates of obesity and physical inactivity similar to those of the general population.然而,新的研究表明,这些人群肥胖和不进行锻炼的比例与普通人近似。

4.The maximum wait time that SandeshaContext waits for a particular sequence is the "inactivity" time out of that sequence.SandeshaContext等待特定序列的最大等待时间就是该序列的“不活动”超时时间。

5.Considering they're spending a good chunk of their day sleeping or attending school, that seems pke an insane amount of inactivity.想想他们每天要用大部分时间睡觉上课,剩下的所有时间几乎不运动,实在不可思议。

6.You do not sleep and instead enter a state of inactivity for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest.你不需要睡眠,而是进入静止状态4小时以获得长休息的好处。

7.Asean's inactivity did not really matter since the region was booming.由于该地区经济正蓬勃发展,因此东盟的沉寂无关紧要。

8."Inactivity and bed sores were pushing them toward death . . . here death is so close, " he said.静卧不动和褥疮只会将他们推向死亡……在这儿死神是如此临近。

9.The plan pfe, has not been a disorder, is doomed is the inactivity.没有规划的人生,是无序的,注定是无为的。

10.After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position.几天没动静之后,敌人终于龇牙咧嘴地向我们的阵地发动了正面的进攻。