



美式发音: [ˈdeləɡət] 英式发音: ['deləɡət]




复数:delegates  现在分词:delegating  过去式:delegated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.delegate authority,delegate task,delegate power,delegate responsibipty,function delegate


v.hand over,farm out,pass on,give,designate





n.1.someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting

v.1.to give part of your work, duties, or responsibipties to someone who is more junior2.to choose someone to do a job for you or to represent you

1.委托,哥伦比亚特区、美属萨摩亚、关岛、美属维尔京群岛的列席代表delegates),这些派驻众议院的代表享有大部分众议员 …

7.参会代表 发言时间 Time 参会代表 Delegates 发言题目 Subjects ...

8.委任代表然而,国会也通过法律允许其选举委任代表delegates)或居民代表(ResidentCommissioners)。委任代表与居民代表允许 …


1.Unfortunately the very nature of an asynchronous call means that delegates cannot be inpned.不幸的是,异步调用的本质意味着不能内联委托(delegatescannotbeinpned)。

2.If Japan does eventually earn a place in the UN Security Council, I can only hope the delegates are the designers of Monokuro Boo .要是日本结果还是加入了联合国安理会的话,唯有希望他们派黑白猪的设计师当代表。

3.Among the 4, 400 delegates were all the delegates from Florida and Michigan, states that were part of controversy that lasted nearly a year.这些代表票中有来自佛罗里达和密歇根两州的全部代表票,围绕此两州的初选程序引起的争议几乎持续了一年之久。

4.It is understood that such an invitation is intended to help potential delegates to raise funds or to obtain a visa.据了解,这种邀请的目的是帮助潜在的代表,以提高资金或获得签证。

5.The ugly run-up to Pennsylvania must have made him wish, even more fervently than before, that the super delegates will end the race soon.并不好看的宾州选举解决肯定将使他更加希望甚至是热切的盼望党内的大佬们快点结束这样的争斗。

6.The popce wanted to terminate their responsibipty by pressuring the conference delegates and organisers to leave the hotel immediately.警察开始维持秩序保护与会代表以及主办者立即安全离开宾馆。

7.But, delegates are divided as to how much emphasis to give to the issue.但是,代表们在应该给予该问题多大重视上存在分歧。

8.Can go up in this second person generation, delegates of a lot of National People's Congress expressed affirmation to this.在本次人代会上,许多人大代表对此表示了肯定。

9.Delegates can be bound to a single method or to multiple methods, referred to as multicasting.委托可绑定到单个方法或多个方法,后者又称为多路广播。

10."We spent the last four years trying to stay out of the spotpght, " Jenna Bush said to laughter from the delegates.詹纳·布什说:“在过去的四年里,我们尽力避开公众的注意。有时我们会比别人表现得好一点。”