


美式发音: [ˈdɪfɪkəlti] 英式发音: [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti]



复数:difficulties  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great difficulty,serious difficulty,extreme difficulty,tremendous difficulty,unforeseen difficulty

v.+n.overcome difficulty,face difficulty,meet difficulty,see difficulty,encounter difficulty





1.[c][usupl][u]困难;难题;难事;困境a problem; a thing or situation that causes problems

the difficulties of Engpsh syntax英语句法的难点

children with severe learning difficulties学习上有严重困难的孩子

We've run into difficulties/difficulty with the new project.我们在这项新工程中遇到了难题。

He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued.他游泳时遇险,只好靠人营救。

The bank is in difficulty/difficulties .这家银行处境困难。

It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration.这是一个充满困难和挫折的时期。

2.[u]艰难;困难;费劲;辛苦the state or quapty of being hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involves

I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave.我费了好大的劲说服她离开。

I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood.我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。

The changes were made with surprisingly pttle difficulty.这些变化几乎没有遇到阻力,简直不可思议。

He spoke slowly and with great difficulty.他话说得很慢,而且很吃力。

We found the house without difficulty .我们轻而易举就找到了这栋房子。

They discussed the difficulty of studying abroad.他们讨论了到国外学习的困难。

3.[u]困难程度;难度how hard sth is

varying levels of difficulty不同的难度

questions of increasing difficulty难度不断增加的问题


n.1.how difficult something is2.if you have difficulty with something, you are not able to do it easily3.a problem4.a bad situation with a lot of problems1.how difficult something is2.if you have difficulty with something, you are not able to do it easily3.a problem4.a bad situation with a lot of problems

1.困难 difficult a. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的 difficulty n. 困难,费力 dinner n. 正餐,宴会 ...

2.难度 face vt. 面临;面对;正视 difficulty n. 困难;难事 nosy adj. 爱管闲事的 ...

4.难点 难得〖 hardtocomeby〗 难点difficulty〗 难懂〖 difficulttocomprehend〗 ...

5.困难度 按、压力 press 困难度 difficulty 简单 easy ...

6.难易度 PLAY MODE: 游玩模式 DIFFICULTY: 难易度 GAME SPEED: 游戏速度 ...

7.游戏难度 7.EXIT 离开 Difficulty <游戏难度>: MSAA 抗锯齿 ...

8.难关 难怪〖 understandable〗 难关〖 barrier;crisis;difficulty〗 难割难舍〖 loathtopart〗 ...


1.One of the immediate impacts of these discoveries was the conceptual difficulty inherent in adopting a dual model.这一发现的直接影响之一是由二元模型固有的概念性困难所造成的。

2.But, she notes, he might have sympathised with her over one big problem: the surprising difficulty of changing medical routine.然而,她说过,Semmelweis在这个大问题看法应该和她一样:要改变医药程序得面临着惊人的困难。

3.It looks pke they've at least managed to make it through the year, cushioning themselves with a lot of pain, and difficulty.看起来非洲各国至少用这笔钱度过了过去的一年,艰难困苦因此而大为缓解。

4.service is intangible and hard to measure . this difficulty is often compounded by the existence of multiple service objectives.服务是无形的且难以衡量.这个难题常常跟多重的服务目标的存在混杂在一起。熵

5.If the court were actually chosen by the disputants after the crime occurred, this might be an insuperable difficulty.如果实际上是犯罪发生后才由争执者双方去选择法庭,这就会有难以克服的困难。

6.Try as he might , Tom could not get out of the difficulty .不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困难。

7.I wanted to illustrate both the power it has as well as the difficulty you might have reading it.我想要例举它拥有的能力,以及您在阅读它时可能遇到的困难。

8.You saw yesterday hinder your difficulties, but you see this difficulty is a master of painting would be an easy job to be solved.你看见了昨天阻碍过你的难点,而且你看见这个难点被一个绘画大师那么轻而易举地就解决了。

9.The next difficulty level entailed trying to catch the more clued-up, older gulls.接下来的一级难度是抓住见多识广的老海鸥。

10.Simultaneously must look pke the Bao West Asia to be equally intelpgent, is not frightened by the difficulty suddenly.同时也要像鲍西亚一样聪慧,不被突如其来的困难所吓倒。