


美式发音: [ˈpæntri] 英式发音: ['pæntri]



复数:pantries  同义词




1.食品贮藏室;食品贮藏柜a cupboard/closet or small room in a house, used for storing food


n.1.a small room for storing food, usually next to the kitchen

1.餐具室 pantry room 配膳间 pantry 餐具室 pantry 配膳间 ...

2.食品室 laundry 洗衣房 pantry 食品室 vestry 教堂的法衣室 ...

3.食品柜 panoramic n. 全景的 pantry n. 食品柜,餐具室 parable n. 寓言,比喻 ...

4.餐车食品室 to break the journey 中途下车 pantry 餐车食品室 carriage,coach,car 车厢 ...

5.配膳室 理发室 Barber shop 配膳室(无烹调设备) Pantry 大厅 Hall ...

6.配餐室 panic device 逃生门推杆锁 pantry 配餐室 panorama 全景画 ...

7.食品储藏室 net v. 净赚 pantry n. 食品储藏室 patent v. 取得专利权 ...

8.茶水间 MONITOR ROOM 监控室 PANTRY 茶水间 CANTEEN 餐厅 ...


1.It will show up in the " pantry " pst as a reminder that you need it, but it won't be included when you save or print your shopping pst.它会于“餐具室”清单中出现,以提醒你需要它。但当你储存或列印购物清单的时候﹐此项目不会被包括在内。

2.We'll be showing you other ways to use beans this week, too, so get ready to clear those pantry shelves once and for all.本周我们还会为您介绍一些其他的用大豆做菜的方法,所以您可以准备好清扫那些食品柜里的架子了。

3.But he found a local food pantry, and by the time he depvered his last harvest, he had donated 120 pounds of fresh vegetables.后来,他找到当地一家食品加工厂,开始向他们供应自己收获的总计达120磅的新鲜蔬菜。

4.Every time I get the munchies (which is at least once a day! ), I head on over to my pantry and see what I have.每次我有饥饿感的时候(每天至少一次!),我就会径直地奔向我的储藏室去看看自己有什么吃的。

5.This pantry pst can be as simple as oil, vinegar, grains, legumes and a few other things, but as people learn to cook it inevitably grows.这一储藏室清单可以简化到油、姜、谷物、豆类植物及其他一些东西,不过等人们学会了烹调,它不可避免地会要增加。

6.When cleaning is done for these areas (lunch rooms, pantry and toilet), a "Wet Floor" sign should be put up to warn others.当打扫这些场所(饭厅、餐具室和厕所)时,应放置“小心地滑”的警示牌。

7."Don't move it. " Eve said, "I'll get a bucket of water. " She hurried off to the butler's pantry, her heart pounding with a fearful joy.“别动!”伊芙说,“我去拎一桶水来。”她急急忙忙朝管家的餐具室跑去,心里砰砰直跳,既害怕,又高兴。

8.Before you head out for dinner, try a glance through the pantry first, and see what creative meal you can come up with at home.在你出发去吃饭前,请试着先看一下厨房,同时看一下在家里能弄出什么有创意的菜式。

9.Red flour beetles are a scourge of the pantry, but they are up to more in there than just infesting your food.面粉甲虫是厨房的一个祸害,但它们绝不仅仅污染的食物。

10.She went into the pantry, and there was a clatter of dishes.她走进餐具室,接着便传来了整理餐具互相碰撞的声音。