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网络释义:美国全国广播公司(National Broadcasting Company);美国国家广播公司;美国广播公司



1.(美国)全国广播公司National Broadcasting Company (a US company that produces television and radio programmes)

NBC News全国广播公司新闻节目

abbr.1.〈美〉(=National Broadcasting Company)全国广播公司

abbr.1.<AmE>(=National Broadcasting Company)2.National Broadcasting Company: one of the major television broadcasting companies in the U.S.

1.美国全国广播公司(National Broadcasting Company)美国全国广播公司(NBC)总部在美国纽约(NYC)。纽约市处于美国东部时间区(ET)即国际标准时间西五区(GMT-5区)。

2.美国国家广播公司美国国家广播公司(NBC)报道,中断录像时,克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯曾对身边工作人员抱怨说,“我觉得以丰满来形容我,真的 …

3.美国广播公司美国广播公司(NBC)播出《学徒》(The Apprentice)节目,以对抗哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的热门节目《生还者》(Survivor)。据 …



1.Graham, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press, " said he would not vote to raise the debt ceipng unless spending is cut back to 2008 levels.Graham在美国国家广播公司(NBC)“MeetthePress”节目中表示,若不将开支削减至2008年的水平,他不会投票支持提高债务上限。

2.During Michael Phelps' races, camera shots of his mother Debbie were a fixture on NBC.在麦克。菲尔普斯的比赛中,他的母亲黛比谋杀了不少NBC的菲林。

3.In a NBC TV chat show, Jenna Bush Hager, 27, said she had been terrified by spooky events near the fireplace in her bedroom.27岁的詹娜·布什·黑格称,她在白宫生活的卧室里有一个壁炉,这个壁炉附近发生过怪异的事件,让她感到恐怖。

4."I'm a pttle frumpy, " he said on NBC's Today programme, after presenter Meredith Vieira ribbed him about his baseball attire.“我(穿得)确实有点乏味,”他在NBC节目《今日》(Today)中如是说道,在此之前主持人MeredithVieira拿他的棒球装开玩笑。

5.She told NBC News she was shocked to discover that her husband was the victim of the accident that had caused all that traffic.她告诉NBC新闻社,她发现她丈夫是所有事故的受害者感到很震惊。

6."Monster High is all about celebrating your imperfections and accepting the imperfections of others, " she tells NBC News.“怪物高中表达的就是尊重自己的不完美,和接纳他人的不完美。”她对NBC新闻说。

7.It did not arrive at NBC's headquarters in New York until Wednesday because it had the wrong postal code.由于邮政编码出现错误,这份邮件直到星期三才到达国家广播公司的总部。

8.Before leaving Washington, King Abdullah sat down for an interview broadcast Sunday on the NBC television news program Meet the Press.阿卜杜拉国王在离开华盛顿前接受了国家广播公司“会见媒体”电视节目的采访。

9.But in the media world, at least, they may be just as momentous for NBC Universal.而在媒体界,至少对于NBC环球而言,奥运会也同样重要。

10.One photograph shows bullets displayed in what appeared to be an almost artful arrangement, NBC said.其中一张照片中显示出子弹以一种巧妙的方式排列着,美国广播公司的人说。