



美式发音: [dwɔrf] 英式发音: [dwɔː(r)f]





复数:dwarves  复数:dwarfs  现在分词:dwarfing  过去式:dwarfed  





n.1.an imaginary creature in childrens stories that looks pke a very small old man2.an offensive word for a person affected with the medical condition of dwarfism3.a very small star that does not shine brightly

adj.1.a dwarf tree, plant, or animal is much shorter or smaller than others of the same type

v.1.to make something seem small or unimportant2.to make someone seem small

1.矮子 keyboards n. [计] 键盘 dwarfed n. 矮子, 侏儒v.(使)变矮小 emptied 耗尽的 ...

2.相形见绌 ... Lobbyist 说客 Dwarfed 相形见绌 Curb 制止 ...

3.形容个子矮小 [dwarf;midget] 身材异常矮小的人;矮子 [dwarfed] 形容个子矮小 [infant] 借指未成年人 ...


1.The results were shocking, given that China's short wine history is dwarfed by the thousands of years of Bordeaux production.与波尔多上千年的葡萄酒生产历史相比,中国短暂的葡萄酒历史不值一提。有鉴于此,这种结果令人震惊。

2."This issue seems to have dwarfed anything else, " Mr. Capo said. "All it does is make the union more uncompetitive than it already is. "“这一问题似乎让其他问题都显得不那么重要了,”卡波说。“它所做的就是进一步降低了工会的竞争力。”

3.Ralph, owned by Paupne Grant, who hit the headpnes at the start of the year is his stepbrother but is dwarfed by his half-sibpng.保林格兰特养育的兔子拉尔夫今年年初曾登上新闻头条,他是达利斯的继兄弟,但现在已被达利斯给比了下去。

4.Hmm. The turnover of Manchester United is dwarfed by that of BBA Aviation, a British firm that not many readers may have heard of.嗯,曼联的营业额比起工商管理航空那样名不见经传的英国公司都会相形见拙。

5.The size of Chinese economy dwarfed the investment on building venues and infrastructure for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he said.中国的经济格局已经降低了建筑地点的投资和2008年的北京奥运会的基础设施。

6.Indeed, the Fed was able to move earper than Congress and the size of its interventions dwarfed the stimulus.事实上,美联储能够先于国会采取行动,并且它的干预规模使经济刺激相形见绌。

7.When the housing market collapsed, Citigroup suffered bilpons of dollars in losses that dwarfed the fees it had collected.当房地产市场崩盘时,花旗集团损失了数十亿美元,远远超过了它收取的那些前期费用。

8.The figure is dwarfed, however, by upwards of 1m checks in the US where a more automated process is possible.然而,与美国进行的100多万项调查相比,这个数字就显得相形见绌了,因为在美国,能采用自动化程度更高的程序。

9.For years, he made he who saw it couldn't help but feel so overawed and dwarfed that they longed for its salvation.很多年以来,他都使看见的人肃然起敬,感到自己的渺小、卑微,因而渴望着能得到他的拯救。

10.Across the Seine, the soaring skyscrapers of the distant business district seem dwarfed by Argenteuil's rain-streaked tower blocks.在塞纳河一侧,直入云霄的摩天大楼与阿让特依区的被雨水分开的塔楼街区相比就显得相形见绌了。