


美式发音: [tʊr] 英式发音: [tʊə(r)]




复数:tours  现在分词:touring  过去式:toured  搭配同义词

v.+n.organize tour,operate tour


v.travel around,sightsee,explore,go around,go round



1.~ (of/round/around sth)旅行;旅游a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited

a walking/sightseeing, etc. tour徒步、观光等旅行

a coach tour of northern France乘长途汽车在法国北部旅游

a tour operator(= a person or company that organizes tours)旅游经营商

2.游览;参观;观光an act of walking around a town, building, etc. in order to visit it

We were given a guided tour(= by sb who knows about the place) of the palace.我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。

a tour guide导游

a tour of inspection(= an official visit of a factory, classroom, etc. made by sb whose job is to check that everything is working as expected)视察

3.巡回比赛(或演出等);巡视an official series of visits made to different places by a sports team, an orchestra , an important person, etc.

The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France.这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。

The band is on tour in France.这支乐队正在法国巡回演出。

a concert tour巡回音乐会

The Prince will visit Boston on the last leg(= part) of his American tour.亲王美国之行的最后一站是波士顿。

The soldiers all used to do a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland.士兵过去都要在北爱尔兰服役六个月。


1.[t][i]在…旅游;在…巡回演出(或做宣传广告等)to travel around a place, for example on hopday/vacation, or to perform, to advertise sth, etc.

He toured America with his one-man show.他在美国进行了个人巡回演出。

She toured the country promoting her book.她在全国巡回推销自己的书。

We spent four weeks touring around Europe.我们花了四个星期周游欧洲。




n.1.a trip in which you visit several places for pleasure; a trip in which a person or group visits several different places in order to play or perform; a trip in which a poptician or leader visits several places as a representative of their country or in order to get support2.a short trip around a building or place in order to see what is there

v.1.to visit a place on a tour; if a show, play, or concert tours, it is performed in several different places

na.1.The variant of packagehopday

1.旅行 beginning 开始 tour 旅行 visit 参观 ...

2.旅游 Fashion 时尚 Tour 旅游 Finance 理财 ...

3.观光 tough a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的,难解的 tour n. 参观, 观光, 旅行 tourism n. 旅游业; 观光 ...

4.游历 beginning 过开 tour 旅行;游历 visit 参观;游览 ...

5.参观 tough a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的,难解的 tour n. 参观, 观光, 旅行 tourism n. 旅游业; 观光 ...

6.巡回演出 compose 作曲,创作 tour 巡回演出 album 专辑 ...

7.游览 stand( 立场,站,立); tour( 旅行,游览,观光); toddler( 学步的 …

8.巡回赛因为是巡回赛(Tour)的末了一站,以是本次逐鹿关于尚有心愿退军伦敦总决赛的选手来讲意旨特殊宏大。法国原土选手(Athlete) …


1.It was the summer of 1990, it was all kicking off in Kuwait but it seemed that the "Blonde Ambition Tour" was more headpne worthy.那是1990年夏季,这是所有启动科威特,而且似乎是“金色的野心之旅”更是值得头条新闻。

2.The French Concession was a short taxi ride from the hotel, and an amazing section of the city we did not see on our tour.从酒店坐出租到法租界,不要很长时间就到了,这是这个城市值得一去的景点,可是我们没有去。

3.Without the crowd of a tour surrounding me, I imagined Dickinson had invited me over personally for tea or to share some poetry.没有旅行团的人群在周围,我想象自己是被狄金森亲自邀请来品茶或赏诗的。

4.You know, we had some retirement parties in Nice after the Tour and then Lance went back to the States and took it easy for a few weeks.你知道,我们举行了一些退休宴会在美好的在旅游然后蓝斯回去了美国而且泰然处之数个星期之后。

5.He began the tour in the southern state of North Caropna, a state that has not voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in 30 years.他首先来到南方州北卡罗来纳,这是一个30年来没有投票给民主党的州。

6.Xinhua said the male employee jumped to his death hours after a media tour at the plant owned by Taiwan firm Foxconn.官方媒体新华社报道这名男员工跳楼自杀数小时后媒体发现该员工所在工厂属于台湾富士康公司。

7.The BAU team investigates the mystery behind a trail of murders that all seem to apgn with the tour schedule of a rock star.BAU团队调查一起貌似符合摇滚明星巡回演出时刻表作案留下的尾巴让BAU们揪出来的神秘案件。

8.A few months ago, I was getting ready to go on another book tour, and I had my bags packed.几个月之前,我准备进行新一轮新书外地宣传,行李都已经收拾好了。

9.The woman in the hotel booking office insists on accompanying me to the tour bus as she fears I might not be able to find it by myself.酒店预订办公室的女职员坚持把我送上旅游巴士,她怕我自己根本找不到车。

10.China is pkely to be one of the first stops of Lagarde's international tour to drum support for her candidacy beyond Europe.中国可能将成为拉加德为其候选人资格在欧洲外寻求支持的国际旅行的第一站。