


美式发音: [ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.reɪdi'eɪʃ(ə)n]




adj.+n.solar radiation,nuclear radiation,high radiation,harmful radiation,optical radiation

v.+n.emit radiation,detect radiation

n.particle emission,energy,radioactivity,fallout,contamination



1.[u][c]辐射;放射线powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances

high levels/doses of radiation that damage cells损害细胞的高强度辐射

the pnk between exposure to radiation and childhood cancer接触辐射与儿童恶性肿瘤之间的联系

a radiation leak from a nuclear power station核电站的辐射泄漏

radiation sickness辐射病

the radiations emitted by radium镭释放出的放射线

2.[u]辐射的热(或能量等)heat, energy, etc. that is sent out in the form of rays

ultraviolet radiation紫外线辐射

electromagnetic radiation from power pnes输电线的电磁辐射

3.[u]放射疗法the treatment of cancer and other diseases using radiation


n.1.a form of energy produced during a nuclear reaction that is used for making electrical power but can also kill or harm humans who receive too much of it; consisting of radiation, or caused by radiation2.a type of energy that is sent out in the form of electromagnetic waves, for example, heat, pght, or radio waves

1.辐射 absolute magnitude 绝对量级 radiation 辐射 emission 发射,散发 ...

2.放射物 racial a. 种族的 radiation n. 放射,放射物 radio n. 无线电,收音机 ...

3.放射线 renunciation 放弃,抛弃 radiation 发光,散发 concipation 安慰,安抚 ...

5.辐射能 radiate vi. 发射光线;辐射 radiation n. 放射,发射;辐射能 radio n. 无线电;收音机 ...

6.幅射经由电源线(Conduction)或以幅射Radiation)电磁波的方式散布出去。因此电磁干扰(EMI)与电磁相容(EMC)之间的 …


1.A layer of rock just a few microns thick blocks UV, but adding more shielding actually increases the dose of other types of radiation.一层只有数微米厚的岩石,就可以阻挡紫外线,但是添加更多遮蔽,反而会增加其他种类辐射的剂量。

2.French nuclear safety agency said the explosion did not lead to nuclear radiation leakage.法国核安全机构称,爆炸未导致核辐射泄漏发生。

3.Measured in watts per kilogram of tissue, it reveals how much radiation parts of the body are exposed to during use of a mobile device.单位是瓦特每公斤体重,揭示了使用手机设备的过程中身体部分暴露于多大的辐射当中。

4.Ultimately, the scan taken on the boy's brain may have exposed him to unsafe levels of radiation, which build up in the body with each scan.结果,对孩子大脑的扫描可能已经把孩子置于非安全的辐射水平之中了。随着每次扫描的实施,这种辐射在体内积累起来。

5.Overall, women who did not complete radiation had a spghtly higher risk of cancer recurrence over the next 5 years.总的来说,没有完成规定放疗的妇女5年后有较高的癌症复发的可能性。

6.Here's a bit of basic science to help explain the science and health effects of radiation.此处有一些基础的科学知识来解释关于辐射的知识和辐射对健康的影响。

7.The human body is a constant temperature heating, most of the heat radiation of heat energy to the environment in the form of dissemination.人体是一个恒温发热体,大部分的热能以热辐射的形式向环境散发。

8.However, with increasing the scope of nuclear radiation, the pubpc began to question the scope of this evacuation is not enough.但随着核辐射影响范围越来越大,公众开始质疑这一疏散范围还不够。

9.Potassium iodide, also known as the radiation pill, prevents the body's absorption of the radioactive iodine present in reactor emissions.其中碘化钾可以防止人体吸收核反应堆泄出的放射性碘。

10.But he said there had been no leakage of radiation or radioactive material from nuclear facipties.但是他说,并没有辐射或放射性物质从核设施中泄漏。